Manage Standard Text
Use this screen to establish codes and the standard text for each code.
You can then associate these codes with individual parts, goods, and services on the Assigned Standard Text subtasks of the Manage Parts, Manage Services, and/or Manage Goods screens, or attach the text directly to Costpoint documents such as purchase orders, sales orders, and manufacturing orders.
If you associate a standard text code with a specific item, the text automatically prints on documents that include that item, as long as you specify that the text is to be used on those documents. Any text you wish to be used on multiple documents can be set up as standard text. You can then reference the text anywhere it is required by linking the code to the document. For example, you could use standard text to identify additional quality requirements, specific packaging requirements, or other information related to an item, and have that text appear on multiple documents that specify that item.
Set up this screen during initialization and maintain it whenever you add additional codes or make modifications to existing codes.
- Related Topics:
- Display the Manage Standard Text Screen
You access the Manage Standard Text screen from the Materials domain. - Contents of the Manage Standard Text Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Standard Text screen. - Table Information for the Manage Standard Text Screen
Changes to the Manage Standard Text screen update the STD_TEXT table. - Subtasks of the Manage Standard Text Screen
The Manage Standard Text screen has the Where-Used subtask.