Contents of the Manage Services Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Services screen.


Use the Identification Block fields for service identification, revision, and description.

Field Description
Service ID

Enter a service ID. The service ID is used throughout Costpoint as the main identifier for the service. If you enter an existing provisional part ID and attempt to save the record, Costpoint displays an error message indicating that the provisional part ID already exists.


Enter the service revision. You can use the revision to track multiple modifications or revision levels for each service. If you selected the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item check box in the Corporate Settings block on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, you can store multiple revisions of the same item in the database at the same time. Each revision is treated as a separate item by Costpoint. If the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item check box is not selected, only the last revision of an item can be stored.

Note: You can modify revision numbers, but if the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item check box is not selected, Costpoint stores only one (the last) revision number.

If you do not use revisions when updating, the last revision assigned to this service automatically displays and can be modified.


Enter a service ID description.


Subtask Description
Vendors Click this link to open the Vendors subtask and establish vendors for a specific service.
Item Billings Click this link to open the Item Billings subtask. Use this subtask to establish information for services that are sold outside of the company.
Costs Click this link to open the Costs subtask. Use this subtask to establish the specific costs for a specific service.
Assigned Standard Text Click this link to open the Assigned Standard Text subtask. Use this subtask to select pre-defined standard text and link it with a specific service for printing on documents such as purchase orders.

The Where-Used subtask displays the documents for which the standard text is eligible.

User-Defined Info Click this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask, to enter additional information about the service.
Licenses/Agreements Click this link to open the Licenses/Agreements subtask. Use this subtask to view the license or agreement information for a specific service.