Report Quantities

This section describes the different quantity fields found in the Material Requirements Report (MRR) and how they are calculated.

When creating purchase requisitions from this application, transaction amounts in both transactional and functional currencies will be populated for the appropriate fields in the purchase requisition header, purchase requisition line, purchase requisition line account, and purchase requisition line PO tables. Transactional and functional currencies are assumed to be the same for the generated purchase requisitions except if a purchase requisition line PO is generated using an existing purchase order, in which case the PO's transaction currency and exchange rate information will be loaded. Otherwise all currency related fields will be populated with default values and the exchange rate will be 1. Amount fields will therefore have the same values for transactional and functional currencies. You cannot enter a different transaction currency or exchange rate after requisitions are generated.

Gross Required Quantity

This represents the additional number of parts required to meet the listed end part requirements. For the end parts, this represents the value entered in the Quantity field on the Compute Material Requirements screen. For components and subassemblies with a BOM Qty Type of A (Per Assembly) as determined in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Materials screen in Costpoint Bills of Material, the gross required quantity represents the order/requisition quantity of the parent part multiplied by the BOM quantity for that component. If the BOM Qty Type is per O (Per Order), the BOM quantity is used. Both quantities can be adjusted by the component's scrap percentage and its yield percentage, if scrap and yield are to be included in planning quantities (if the Incl Scrap /Yield % in Planning Process check box is selected on the Configure Production Control Settings screen).

Net Available Quantity

This quantity represents the sum of all inventory supplies minus all the current excluding the current run's gross required quantity (if creating a new plan). The quantity equals the on-hand quantity + in-inspection quantity + in-shipping quantity + on-order quantity + on-requisition quantity + owed quantity – reserved quantity. If you selected the Incl MRB as Available Inventory check box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen, also add the inventory MRB quantity. If you selected the Add Safety Stock to Requirements check box on the Compute Material Requirements screen, the safety stock quantity for the included projects is subtracted. If you selected the Include Pending Inventory Requests check box, planned owed quantities will be added and planned reserved quantities will be subtracted.

Net Required Quantity

This represents the current shortage quantity of the Gross Required Quantity. This is the Gross Required Quantity minus the Net Available Quantity. If the result is negative, it is displayed as zero.

Order/Requisition Quantity

This is the quantity that will be ordered to meet the current net requirements. This represents the net required quantity adjusted by any lot sizing rules in effect for this part. It is set to zero if this part is not to be ordered/requisitioned because of its part/BOM characteristics.

Lead-Time Calculation

Part lead times, defined on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, are used to determine the need and order start dates of any requisitions and orders generated by the system. These days can be represented in terms of operation shop days or in standard calendar days, depending on your selection in the Lead Time Calculation group box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen. Order-by dates are calculated by subtracting the lead-time of the part from its need date. The need dates for all end parts are user-entered; all other need dates are the planned order-by date of the next-level parent part, adding back any lead time offset days identified in that part's BOM.

If a given component/subassembly is used by more than one BOM line across the given end parts, the earliest calculated need and order by date is used for all requisitions, MOs, and reservations. The Order By Date that is calculated by the system is used as the requisition line's Target Place Date. The requisition header's Target Place Date is set to the earliest target place date populated on the requisition lines for that Requisition ID.