Detailed Table Specifications

This section defines the data element in each table to be loaded or updated by the preprocessor.

Receipt Header (RECPT_HDR)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
Auto Issue Flag AUTO_ISSUE_FL N
Company ID COMPANY_ID Current user's company.
Default Receiving Location ID DFLT_RECV_LOC_ID Null
Default Rejection Location ID DFLT_REJ_LOC_ID Null
Progress Payment Number DRAW_RQST_NO From input file. If you do not enter a value in the input file, the default maximum is PO_LN.DRAW_RQST_NO + 1.
Current Date/Time ENTR_DTT Current date and time.
Current User ID ENTR_USER_ID Current user's User ID.
Euro to Functional Rate EUR_TO_FUNC_RT PO_HDR.EUR_TO_FUNC_RT
Employee MATL_HNDLR_EMPL_ID From input file. If you do not enter a value in the input file, the default is the Default Employee from the Import Subcontract PO Status Updates screen.

Employee status should be active and valid.

Current User ID MODIFIED_BY Current user's User ID.
Non-inventory Receiving Location Flag NINVT_RECV_LOC_FLD Space.
Offsite Receiver ID OFFSITE_RECVR_ID Space.
Purchase Order ID PO_ID From input file.
Prime Contract Period PRIME_CONTRACT_PD From input file. If not in input file, default to Null.
Packing Slip ID PS_ID Space
Rate Group ID RATE_GRP_ID PO_HDR.RATE_GRP_ID Allow null value.
Receipt Comments Notes RECPT_COMMENT_NT Space.
Receipt Date RECPT_DT From input file. Status Update Date
Receipt ID RECPT_ID From input file. Otherwise, auto-assign. Status Update ID. If you do not enter a value in the input file, the system auto-assigns by incrementing the last PO Receipt transaction from WHSE_LAST_TRANS table for the corresponding Warehouse (Assign (LAST_INVT_TRN_ID + 1) for S_INVT_TRN_TYPE = R). If you do not use Costpoint Inventory, the system will auto-assign by incrementing the Last receipt ID in the Configure Receiving Settings screen in Costpoint Receiving (RECV_SETTINGS.LAST_RECPT_ID + 1).
Receipt Key RECPT_KEY System generated.
Rowversion ROWVERSION Derive. Initially 0 Increment by 1 if updated. Allow null value.
Traveler Type S_TRVLR_TYPE This is not used. Subcontract POs are not included in Receipt Travelers.
Current Date/Time TIME_STAMP Current date and time.
Total Receipt Amount TOT_RECPT_AMT Sum of PO_LN.RECVD_AMT for all PO lines.
Transaction Currency Code TRN_CRNCY_CD PO_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_CD
Transaction Currency Date TRN_CRNCY_DT PO_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_DT
Transaction Currency Freeze Rate Flag TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL PO_HDR.TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL
Transaction to Euro Currency Rate TRN_TO_EUR_RT PO_HDR.TRN_TO_EUR_RT
Transaction to Euro Currency Rate Flag TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL PO_HDR.TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL
Total Receipt Amount TRN_TOT_RECPT_AMT Sum of PO_LN.TRN_RECVD_AMT for all PO lines. Value is in transaction currency.
Voucher Key VCHR_KEY Null
Warehouse ID WHSE_ID From input file. If not in input file, default to Null.

Receipt Line (RECPT_LN)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
Accepted Location ID ACCPT_LOC_ID Null
Accepted Quantity ACCPT_QTY 0
Autocreate Fixed Assets Flag FA_AUTOCR_FL N
Fiscal Year FY_CD Null
Incremental Completed Work Amount INC_COMPLT_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.INC_COMPLT_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.COMPLT_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.COMPLT_AMT (previous update)].
Incremental Completed Work Retention Amount INC_CP_RET_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.INC_CP_RET_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.COMPLT_RET_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.COMPLT_RET_AMT (previous update)]
Incremental Requested Work Amount INC_RQSTD_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.INC_RQSTD_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.RQSTD_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.RQSTD_AMT (previous update)].
Incremental Stored Work Amount INC_STORED_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.INC_STORED_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.STORED_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.STORED_AMT (previous update)].
Incremental Stored Retention Work Amount INC_ST_RET_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.INC_ST_RET_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.STORED_RET_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.STORED_RET_AMT (previous update)].
Inspected and Accepted Amount INSP_ACCPT_AMT 0
Inspected and Accepted Quantity INSP_ACCPT_QTY 0
Inventory Abbreviation Code INVT_ABBRV_CD Null
Modified By MODIFIED_BY Current User ID
Materials Requirement Board Amount MRB_AMT 0
Materials Requirement Board Quantity MRB_QTY 0
Non-inventory Receiving Location NINVT_RECV_LOC_FLD 0
Period PD_NO Null
Purchase Order Desired Date PO_DESIRED_DT PO_LN.DESIRED_DT Same as PO_LN.DUE_DT.
Purchase Order ID PO_ID PO_LN.PO_ID
Purchase Order Line Key PO_LN_KEY PO_LN.PO_LN_KEY
Posted Amount PSTD_AMT 0
Posted Quantity PSTD_QTY 0
Receipt Line Description RECPT_LN_DESC PO_LN.PO_LN_DESC
Receiving Location ID RECV_LOC_ID Null
Received Quantity RECV_QTY 0
Receiving Unit of Measure Code RECV_UM_CD Null
Rejected Amount REJ_AMT 0
Reject but Credit Amount REJ_CR_AMT 0
Reject but Credit Quantity REJ_CR_QTY 0
Rejection Location ID REJ_LOC_ID Null
Reject but Pay Amount REJ_PAY_AMT 0
Reject but Pay Quantity REJ_PAY_QTY 0
Rejected Quantity REJ_QTY 0
Reject but Repair Amount REJ_REP_AMT 0
Reject but Repair Quantity REJ_REP_QTY 0
RMA Number RMA_NO_ID Space
Rowversion ROWVERSION Derived from system. Initially 0. Increment by 1 if updated.
Reason Code RSN_CD Null
Subperiod SUB_PD_NO Null
Rejection Disposition Code S_REJ_DISPN_CD Null
Where Used Code S_RSN_WH_USED_CD Null
Current Date/Time TIME_STAMP Current Date/Time
Incremental Completed Work Amount TRN_INC_COMPLT_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.TRN_INC_COMPLT_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_AMT (previous update)].
Incremental Completed Work Retention Amount TRN_INC_CP_RET_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.TRN_INC_CP_RET_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT (previous update)].
Incremental Requested Work Amount TRN_INC_RQSTD_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.TRN_INC_RQSTD_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.TRN_RQSTD_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.TRN_RQSTD_AMT (previous update)].
Incremental Stored Work Amount TRN_INC_STORED_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.TRN_INC_STORED_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT (previous update)].
Incremental Stored Retention Work Amount TRN_INC_ST_RET_AMT Calculate. RECPT_LN.TRN_INC_ST_RET_AMT (this update) + [PO_LN.TRN_STORED_RET_AMT (this update) - PO_LN.TRN_STORED_RET_AMT (previous update)].
Inspected and Accepted Amount TRN_INSP_ACCPT_AMT 0
Materials Requirement Board Amount TRN_MRB_AMT 0
Posted Amount TRN_PSTD_AMT 0
Rejected Amount TRN_REJ_AMT 0
Reject but Credit Amount TRN_REJ_CR_AMT 0
Reject but Pay Amount TRN_REJ_PAY_AMT 0
Reject but Replace Amount TRN_REJ_REP_AMT 0
Voucher Amount TRN_VCHR_AMT Initially 0.
Traveler Printed Flag TRVLR_PRNTD_FL N
User Revision USER_RVSN_FLD Space
Voucher Amount VCHR_AMT Initially 0.
Voucher Quantity VCHR_QTY 0
Warehouse ID WHSE_ID From input file. If not in input file, default to Null.

PO Line (PO_LN)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
Accepted Amount ACCPTD_AMT Calculate. COMPLT_AMT + STORED_AMT
Accepted Quantity ACCPTD_QTY No change.
Approval Date APPRVL_DT No change.
Approval User ID APPRVL_USER_ID No change.
Auto Voucher Flag AUTO_VCHR_FL No change.
Award Quote ID AWARD_QT_ID No change.
Bill Cycle BILL_CYCLE_CD No change.
Bill Cycle Payment Amount BILL_CYCLE_PAY_AMT No change.
Blanket Balance Amount BLKT_BAL_AMT No change.
Blanket PO Line Key BLKT_PO_LN_KEY No change.
Blanket PO Release Number BLKT_PO_RLSE_NO No change.
BOM Configuration ID BOM_CONFIG_ID No change.
Certificate of Conformance Flag CERT_OF_CNFRM_FL No change.
CIS Withholding Flag CIS_WH_FL No change.
Client Line Item Number CLIN_ID No change.
Commodity Code COMM_CD No change.
Completed Amount COMPLT_AMT Converted. TRN_COMPLT_AMT * Exchange Rate
Cpm COMPLT_PCT The calculation is Completed Work Amt / Subcontract Order Amt, using new values from input file, if available. If new values are not available, the program will use existing PO line values. If value is zero, will default from Input File (Percent Complete). Otherwise, no change.
Completed Work Retention Amount COMPLT_RET_AMT Converted. TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT * Exchange Rate
Completed Work Retention Percent COMPLT_RET_PCT The calculation is Completed Work Retention Amt / Completed Work Amt, using updated values, if available. If updated values are not available, the program will use existing PO line values. If value is zero, will default from Input File (Completed Work Retention Pct). Otherwise, no change.
Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD No change.
Desired Date DESIRED_DT No change.
Discount Percent DISC_PCT_RT No change.
Drop Shipment Flag DROP_SHIP_FL No change.
Due Date DUE_DT No change.
Gross Unit Cost Amount GROSS_UNIT_CST_AMT No change.
Industry Classification Code IND_CLASS_CD No change.
Inventory Abbreviation Code INVT_ABBRV_CD No change.
Issue Flag ISSUE_FL No change.
Item ID ITEM_ID No change.
Item Key ITEM_KEY No change.
Item Revision ITEM_RVSN_ID No change.
Last Vouchered Date LAST_VCHRD_DT No change.
Leadtime Days LT_DAYS_NO No change.
Manufacturer ID MANUF_ID No change.
Manufacturer Part ID MANUF_PART_ID No change.
Manufacturer Part Revision ID MANUF_PART_RVSN_ID No change.
Military Spec ID MIL_SPEC_ID No change.
Minimum Quantity MIN_QTY No change.
Miscellaneous Line Charge Type MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE No change.
Current User MODIFIED_BY Current user's User ID.
Net Unit Cost Amount NET_UNIT_CST_AMT No change.
NSN ID NSN_ID No change.
Operation ID OP_ID No change.
Order Reference ORDER_REF_ID No change.
Order Reference Line Key ORDER_REF_LN_KEY No change.
Order Reference Line Number ORDER_REF_LN_NO No change.
Order Reference Release ORDER_REF_RLSE_NO No change.
Order Date ORD_DT No change.
Order Quantity ORD_QTY No change.
Original Due Date ORIG_DUE_DT No change.
Overshipment Allowed OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL No change.
Period of Performance End Date PERF_END_DT No change.
Period of Performance Start Date PERF_START_DT No change.
Planner ID PLANNER_ID No change.
PO ID PO_ID No change.
PO Line Charge Amount PO_LN_CHG_AMT No change.
PO Line Charge Tax Amount PO_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT No change.
PO Line Close Date PO_LN_CLOSE_DT No change.
PO Line Description PO_LN_DESC No change.
PO Line Expedited Notes PO_LN_EXPDT_NOTES No change.
PO Line Extended Amount PO_LN_EXT_AMT No change.
PO Line Internal Notes PO_LN_INT_NOTES No change.
PO Line Key PO_LN_KEY No change.
PO Line Number PO_LN_NO No change.
PO Line Total Amount PO_LN_TOT_AMT No change.
PO Line Unit of Measure Code PO_LN_UM_CD No change.
PO_RLSE_NO No change.
Procurement Type PROCURE_TYPE_CD No change.
Posted Amount PSTD_AMT No change.
Posted Quantity PSTD_QTY No change.
QC Required Flag QC_REQD_FL No change.
Recovery Amount RECOVERY_AMT No change.
Recovery Percent RECOVERY_RT No change.
Receipt Tolerance Percentage Rate RECPT_TOL_PCT_RT No change.
Received Amount RECVD_AMT Equal to PO_LN.ACCPTD_AMT.
Received Quantity RECVD_QTY No change.
Rejected but Credit Amount REJ_CR_AMT No change.
Rejected but Credit Quantity REJ_CR_QTY No change.
Rejected but Pay Amount REJ_PAY_AMT No change.
Rejected but Pay Quantity REJ_PAY_QTY No change.
Rejected but Repair Amount REJ_REP_AMT No change.
Rejected but Repair Quantity REJ_REP_QTY No change.
Rowversion ROWVERSION Last Rowversion + 1. Allow null value.
Requested Amount RQSTD_AMT Converted. TRN_RQSTD_AMT * Exchange Rate
Requisition ID RQ_ID No change.
Requisition Line Key RQ_LN_KEY No change.
Sales Tax Amount SALES_TAX_AMT No change.
Sales Tax Rate SALES_TAX_RT No change.
Ship ID SHIP_ID No change.
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD No change.
Sales Order Line SO_LN_COMP_KEY No change.
Source Inspection Flag SRCE_INSP_FL No change.
Stored Material Amount STORED_AMT Converted. TRN_STORED_AMT * Exchange Rate
Stored Material Retention Amount STORED_RET_AMT Converted. TRN_STORED_RET_AMT * Exchange Rate
Stored Material Retention Percent STORED_RET_PCT The calculation is Stored Materials Retention Amt / Stored Materials Amt, using updated values, if available. If updated values are not available, the program will use existing PO line values. If value is zero, default from Input File (Stored Materials Retention Pct). Otherwise, no change.
Subline Number SUBLINE_NO No change.
Small Business Classification Code S_CL_SM_BUS_CD No change.
Line Status Type S_LN_STATUS_TYPE If the status update transaction line creates a condition for the PO line whereby Stored Materials Amount is zero AND (Completed Work Amount – Completed Work Retention Amt = Subcontract Order Amount), change the status of the PO line to System Closed ("S").

If you change a status update transaction line and either of the above conditions is no longer true, change the status of the PO line to Open ("O") (warning message generated), if it was previously System Closed ("S").  

You cannot change PO lines with a status of Closed ("C").

Match Code S_MATCH_CD No change.
Match Option Code S_MATCH_OPT_CD No change.
Sales Order Cost Type S_OE_CST_TYPE_CD No change.
Order Reference Type S_ORD_REF_TYPE_CD No change.
PO Commitment Type S_PO_COMMIT_TYPE No change.
PO Line Type S_PO_LN_TYPE No change.
Purchase Agreement Code S_PURCH_AGRMT_CD No change.
Taxable Flag TAXABLE_FL No change.
Current Date/Time TIME_STAMP Current date and time.
Total Released Amount TOT_RLSED_AMT No change.
Total Released Quantity TOT_RLSED_QTY No change.
Accepted Amount TRN_ACCPTD_AMT Calculate. TRN_COMPLT_AMT + TRN_STORED_AMT. Value is in transaction currency.
Billing Cycle Amount TRN_BILL_CYCLE_ AMT No change.
Blanket Balance Amount TRN_BLKT_BAL_AMT No change.
Completed Amount TRN_COMPLT_AMT From Input File. If no value is in the input file, the calculation will be Percent Complete * Subcontract Order Amt, using updated values, if available. If updated values are not available, the program will use existing PO line values. Value is in transaction currency.
Completed Work Retention Amount TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT From Input File. If no value is in the input file, the calculation will be Completed Work Amt * Completed Work Retention Pct, using updated values, if available. If updated values are not available, the program will use existing PO line values. Value is in transaction currency.
Gross Unit Cost Amount TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT No change.
Line Charge Amount TRN_LN_CHG_AMT No change.
Line Charge Tax Amount TRN_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT No change.
Net Unit Cost Amount TRN_NET_UN_CST_AMT No change.
PO Line Extended Amount TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT No change.
PO Line Total Amount TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT No change.
Posted Amount TRN_PSTD_AMT No change.
Recovery Amount TRN_RECOVERY_AMT No change.
Rejected but Credit Amount TRN_REJ_CR_AMT No change.
Rejected but Pay Amount TRN_REJ_PAY_AMT No change.
Rejected but Repair Amount TRN_REJ_REP_AMT No change.
Requested Amount TRN_RQSTD_AMT From Input File. If not in input file, no change. Value in Transaction Currency.
Sales Tax Amount TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT No change.
Stored Amount TRN_STORED_AMT From Input File. If value is not in the input file, no change. Value is in transaction currency.
Stored Materials Retention Amount TRN_STORED_RET_AMT From Input File. If no value is in the input file, the calculation will be Stored Material Amt * Stored Materials Retention Pct, using updated values, if available. If updated values are not available, the program will use existing PO line values. Value is in transaction currency.
Total Released Amount TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT No change.
Vouchered Amount TRN_VCHRD_AMT No change.
User Revision USER_RVSN_FLD No change.
Vouchered Amount VCHRD_AMT No change.
Vouchered Quantity VCHRD_QTY No change.
Voucher Received Flag VCHR_RCV_FL No change.
Vendor Part ID VEND_PART_ID No change.
Vendor Part Revision ID VEND_PART_RVSN_ID No change.
Warehouse ID WHSE_ID No change.

PO Header (PO_HDR)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
PO Status Type S_PO_STATUS_TYPE If changes in the status of the PO lines results in all lines of the PO having a status of S, or C or V, change the status of the PO header to S (System Closed).

If the user modifies a status update transaction line which changes the status of the PO line from S (System Closed) to O (Open), if the PO header was previously S, change it to O.