Billing Currency Contract Values Tab

Use this tab to specify funded values and ceilings as well as contract values in billing currency.

You can place amounts on the cost of the project, the fee, and the total of the cost and fee. However, you can only place ceilings on the funded values of the project and designate whether each of the ceilings is in effect for billing or not.

Valid ceiling codes are B (Billing) and N (None). If you see a 6 in the Total, Cost, and Fee ceiling fields, this means that a user has modified the ceiling code since the last time billing was calculated. You cannot modify this field after the screen has been saved, and it displays 6 until billing has been calculated. After the calculation, it reverts to B or N and can then be modified. The following table lists the ceiling code modifications and the action that is taken by the program.

Original Code New Code Resulting Number Program Action
B N 6 The Calculate Standard Bills screen resets the code to N and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the new invoice amounts.
B (Blank) 6 The Calculate Standard Bills screen resets the code to N and removes the over-ceiling amounts from the new invoice amounts.
Note: The fields on this tab will be enabled only if the billing currency in the PROJ_BILL_INFO table is not the functional currency of the company.

Billing Currency Values & Ceilings

Funding Info

Use the fields in this group box to set funded values and ceilings for the project.

Field Description
Total, Cost, Fee (Ceil)

Enter the billing currency total, cost, and fee ceiling codes, respectively, for the funded values of the project. Valid values are:

  • B: Billing
  • N: None
Total, Cost, Fee (Amount)

Enter the billing currency funding total, cost, and fee amounts, respectively, for the project.

If you enter a value other than 0.00 in two of these three fields, Costpoint automatically calculates the amount for the third field. If you enter values for all three fields, which overrides the one that was calculated, Costpoint checks if the amounts add up and displays an error message if the values do not add up.

If all three fields initially had values and you change one to blank, Costpoint recalculates the amounts when you click Save.

If two fields are left blank when you click Save, Costpoint takes one of the following actions:

  • If Cost has a value, then Total = Cost.
  • If Fee has a value, then Total = Fee.
  • If Total has a value, then Cost = Total.

Value Info

Use the fields in this group box to set contract values for the project.

Field Description
Total, Cost, Fee (Amount)

Enter the billing currency contract total, cost, and fee amounts, respectively, for the project.

If you enter a value other than 0.00 in two of these three fields, Costpoint automatically calculates the amount for the third field. If you enter values for all three fields, which overrides the one that was calculated, Costpoint checks if the amounts add up and displays an error message if the values do not add up.

If all three fields initially had values and you change one to blank, Costpoint recalculates the amounts when you click Save.

If two fields are left blank when you click Save, Costpoint takes one of the following actions:

  • If Cost has a value, then Total = Cost.
  • If Fee has a value, then Total = Fee.
  • If Total has a value, then Cost = Total.