Import Tab

Use the options and settings to configure the data transfer from Deltek Talent Management to Costpoint.


Field Description

Select this checkbox to import new and rehired employees from Deltek Talent Management.

Log Employee Import Transactions

Select this checkbox to record employee import transactions in the process log file.

Import Salary Information Supervisor Data Instead of Manager Data

Select this checkbox to import Deltek Talent Management managers as supervisors into the Supervisor field on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

Append Country Code to State Code for User Addresses using Select this checkbox to import the country code for employee addresses. The country code will be prefixed to the state/province code with a dash. For example, USA-NY.
Country Code Type From the drop-down list, select the format of the country code in Deltek Talent Management. Valid options are:
  • ISO2 Country Code
  • ISO3 Country Code
  • Costpoint Country Code

This format will be used for the country code prefix.

Exclude US Addresses Select this checkbox to exclude the country codes from the import for employees with U.S. addresses. U.S. addresses will not have the prefix.
Do not default User ID and Login ID for new employees Select this checkbox if you do not wish to create a User ID and Login ID for new employees upon import.
Note: This checkbox is available only if you selected the Auto-Create User Accounts checkbox on the Configure System Settings screen.
Employee Skills Select this checkbox to import employee skills table data from Deltek Talent Management.
Log Employee Skills Import Transactions Select this checkbox to record employee skills import transactions in the process log file.
Exclude Employees with Future Hire Dates Select this checkbox to exclude employees with hire dates that are later than the import date.