Multiplier Overrides Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Project Revenue Calculation Value History screen to view or modify the audit table value of the multiplier override percentages for the direct costs of the project specified on the main screen.

This subtask is populated with information generated by the Compute Revenue process if you have run Compute Revenue for this project.

Note: Changes entered on this subtask will not affect calculations of billing or goal.


Field Description
Starting Account

This field displays the first account in the range of accounts that use this multiplier.

For new records, enter, or click to select, the first account to use this multiplier. Account ranges cannot overlap and only one override percentage is allowed per account level. You can enter only project-required, detail accounts on this subtask.

Ending Account

This field displays the last account in the range of accounts that use this multiplier.

For new records, enter, or click to select, the last account to use this multiplier. Account ranges cannot overlap and only one override percentage is allowed per account level. You can enter only project-required, detail accounts on this subtask.


This field displays the percentage used as a multiplier for the selected accounts.

You can modify this value, or enter a value in this field for new records. Multipliers can be positive or negative. The number 1.0 (no multiplier) is the default value.

Apply to R/B/G/A

This field displays the project calculation that receives the multiplier override.

For new records, select a value from the drop-down list:

  • Revenue
  • Billing
  • Goal
  • All