Printing and Posting Retroactive Bills

Retroactive bill calculations generate a regular bill that you can modify or delete on the Manage Standard Bills screen.

To review the retroactive bills, you can use the Print Retroactive Billing Worksheet screen to print a worksheet. You can print a loaded labor rates worksheet or an indirect costs worksheet. For loaded labor rate projects, you can also sort the billing lines by PLC or employee.

Each time you execute the Calculate Retroactive Bills screen, Costpoint first purges the table storing the retroactive bill worksheets of any existing rows. After calculating your retroactive bills, you must print the worksheets that you have calculated before you execute the Calculate Retroactive Bills process again. You should do this even if you are calculating a retroactive bill for a project that is different from an existing worksheet.

Note that only one bill type (for example, retroactive or regular) can reside on the Manage Standard Bills screen (BILL_EDIT_DETL and BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR) at any one time for the same project. Therefore, you must post retroactive bills before calculating regular bills, and vice-versa. Print retroactive billings from the same screen that you print regular bills: Print Standard Bills screen.

Before posting, you must modify retroactive bills to a SELECTED, or accepted, status. You can designate this status for an individual project on the Manage Standard Bills screen or for a range of projects on the Select Bills for Posting screen. Post the bills on the regular Post Standard Bills screen.