Inventory Subtask

Use the Inventory subtask to view inventory details of the selected component, across projects.

This subtask displays all warehouses, all inventory abbreviations, and all projects and/or netting groups, even if you did not select them in the selection criteria on the main screen. The rows are sorted by inventory project ID.

Use this subtask to view current inventory information of the selected component, such as available quantities with location details, and reserved and ordered quantities.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

This column displays the manufacturing order ID of the line selected on the main screen.

MO Type

This field displays the MO type as Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.

MO Status

This field displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the part that is built in the MO selected on the main screen.


This field displays the revision level for the build part.

Component Part

This field displays the ID of the component part that is used in the MO selected on the main screen. A description of the part displays in the unlabeled field below.


This field displays the revision level for the component part.

Line Number

This field displays the line number of the component part in requirements for the selected MO.

Inv U/M

This field displays the inventory unit of measure.


This field displays the M (Make) or B (Buy) status of the component part.

Table Window

Field Description
Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation.

Inv Abbrev Name

This field displays the name of the inventory abbreviation.


This field displays the project associated with the inventory abbreviation.

Netting Group

This field displays the netting group associated with the project.

Net Avail Qty

This field displays the net available quantity for this component part/inventory abbreviation. Net Avail Qty is equal to the sum of On-Hand Qty, In Insp Qty, In Shipping Qty, On Order Qty, On Req Qty, Owed Qty, Planned Owed Qty, and In MRB Qty (only if you selected the Incl MRB as Available Inventory check box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen) MINUS Reserved Qty and Planned Reserved Qty.

Current Avail Qty

This field displays the current available quantity for this component part/inventory abbreviation, and is equal to on-hand plus in-inspection minus reserved quantities.

On-Hand Qty

This field displays the quantities in the on hand locations for the component part/inventory abbreviation.

In Insp Qty

This field displays the quantities in the in-inspection locations for the component part/inventory abbreviation.

In-MRB Qty

This field displays the quantities in the MRB locations for the component part/inventory abbreviation.

In Shipping Qty

This field displays the quantities in the in shipping locations for the component part/inventory abbreviation.

On Order Qty

This field displays the total quantity on order for this component part/inventory abbreviation.

Owed Qty

This field displays the total quantity owed to this inventory abbreviation (from other inventory abbreviations) for the component part/inventory abbreviation.

On Req Qty

This field displays the total quantity on requisition for the component part/inventory abbreviation.

Reserved Qty

This field displays the total quantities reserved from this inventory abbreviation for the component part.

Planned Reserved Qty

This field displays the total quantity on request from this inventory abbreviation for the component part.

Planned Owed Qty

This field displays the total quantity on request to this inventory abbreviation (from other inventory abbreviations) for the component part.

Inventory Expedite Notes

This field displays the inventory expediting notes for the component part/inventory abbreviation.