Create the Unbilled Reason Code Report

You use the applications in Unbilled Receivables to create the unbilled reason code report.

To create the unbilled reason code report:

  1. On the Manage Unbilled Reason Codes screen, establish user-defined reason codes.
     Costpoint also provides seven Costpoint-defined codes that automatically calculate certain types of unbilled balances (see documentation for Unbilled Reason Code). User-defined codes are used on the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes screen to further define the unbilled balances that cannot be calculated by Costpoint. User-defined codes might be “CONTRACT” for a project that is awaiting a signed contract before it can be billed or “COMPLETION” for a project that cannot be billed until it is completed. When the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen is executed, it calculates the amount of unbilled that exists for all Costpoint-defined reason codes and assigns the balance to the NONE reason code. You can also use the System Code column to disable the calculation of Costpoint-defined codes.
  2.  Execute the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen using the fiscal year, period, and subperiod through which you want to analyze unbilled balances.
    This process populates the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes screen by project. 
  3. Review the amounts calculated for each Costpoint-defined reason code by project on the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes screen. 
    Costpoint automatically assigns any unbilled amounts that cannot be calculated using Costpoint-defined codes to the NONE reason code. You can reassign the amount in the NONE reason code to any user-defined code to better define the unbilled balance.
  4. Print the Unbilled Reason Code Report using the Print Unbilled Analysis Report screen. 
    You can print two types of reports in this screen. For the Unbilled Reason Code Report, click the Unbilled Reason Code Report option.