Contents of the View Sales Order Status Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the View Sales Order Status Information screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a project ID to limit the inquiry to one project; then click to run the inquiry. You can refine your inquiry by selecting a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box. Leave the Project field blank before you click to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.


Enter, or click to select, a catalog ID to limit the inquiry to one catalog; then click to run the inquiry. Select a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box to refine your inquiry. Leave the Catalog field blank before you click to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.


Enter, or click to select, a customer ID to limit the inquiry to sales orders for one customer; then click to run the inquiry. Select a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box to refine your inquiry. Leave the Customer field blank before you click to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.

Sales Order

Enter, or click to select, a sales order ID to limit the inquiry to one sales order; then click to run the inquiry. Leave the Sales Order field blank before you click to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.

Trans Currency

Enter, or click to select, a transaction currency to limit the inquiry to sales orders for one currency; then click to run the inquiry. Select a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box to refine your inquiry. Leave the Trans Currency field blank before you click to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.

Select SO Status

Use this group box to retrieve a sales order or group of sales orders. Select the status code checkboxes on which to base your inquiry then use to display the related sales orders. Use these status codes with a value entered in the Project, Catalog, Customer, or Sales Order fields, or base your inquiry solely on one or more status codes.

Field Description

Select this checkbox to include sales orders with a pending status in your inquiry.


Select this checkbox to include sales orders with an approved status in your inquiry.


Select this checkbox to include sales orders with a closed status in your inquiry.


Select this checkbox to include voided sales orders in your inquiry.

In Approval

Select this checkbox to include sales orders with an in-approval status in your inquiry.


Select this checkbox to include sales orders with a rejected status in your inquiry.

System Closed

Select this checkbox to include sales orders with a system closed status in your inquiry.

Table Window

Field Description
Sales Order

This field displays the sales order ID.


This field displays the release number associated with the sales order ID.


This field currently displays the only available type code, S (Sales order). Options such as change orders, blanket orders, and release orders will be added in future versions of Costpoint.


This field displays the sales order status.

Approval Process Code

This field displays the approval process for the sales order if approvals are required; otherwise, this field is empty.

Approval Process Desc

This field displays the description associated with the approval process code


These field displays the customer's ID from the sales order.

Customer Name

These field displays the name from the sales order.

Price Project

This field displays the price project ID, if selected on the sales order.

Price Catalog

This field displays the price catalog ID, if selected on the sales order.

Sales Rep

These field display the sales representative's ID and name, if selected on the sales order.

Sales Rep Name

These field displays the sales representative's ID and name, if selected on the sales order.

Order Date

This field displays the date on which the sales order was created.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency of the sales order.

Trans Currency SO Total Amt

This field displays the sales order's total amount (including line charges and taxes) in the specified transaction currency.

Func Currency SO Total Amt

This field displays the sales order's total amount (including line charges and taxes) in the functional currency value.

Customer PO

This field displays the customer purchase order number if it was entered for the sales order on the Manage Sales Orders screen.


This field displays the quote number, if applicable, for the sales order. You can enter this value on the Header Info tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Entry User

This field displays the user ID of the person who entered the sales order.

Mod No This field displays the modification number of customers that change their original order. You can use this field for tracking purposes.
GSA If selected, this checkbox indicates that the GSA (which stands for General Services Administration) will be appended to the end of the sales order number when printing the sales order acknowledgment. The default value for this checkbox is provided by the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults or the Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens.
Ship To This field displays the ship-to address code.
Remit To This field displays the remit-to address code.
Payment Office This field displays the payment office address code.
Issued/Admin Office This field displays the Issued/Admin Office code.
Mark For This field displays the mark-for address code.
Ship From This field displays the ship-from address code.
Contractor This field displays the contractor address code.
Sales Group Abbrev This field displays the sales group abbreviation.
Inv Abbrev This field displays the inventory abbreviation.
A/R Project This field displays the project ID assigned to the sales order based on the account type.
A/R Project Name This field displays the name or description associated with the project ID.
A/R Account Name This field displays the name or description associated with the account.
A/R Org This field displays the organization ID assigned to the account type.
A/R Organization Name This field displays the name or description associated with the organization ID.
REF00001-00002 This field displays the name or description associated with the reference number 1 or 2 that was assigned to the account type, under the custom label you defined for this field.
Terms This field displays the applicable customer terms.
Customer Last Name This field displays the last name of the sales contact.
Customer First Name This field displays the first name of the sales contact.
Customer Fax This field displays the fax number of the sales contact.
Customer Phone This field displays the phone number of the sales contact.
Customer Credit Bal This field displays the credit balance for the customer.

Costpoint derives this figure by adding the outstanding A/R balance to the approved order balance and subtracting that total from the remaining credit of the customer.

Delivery Terms This field displays the preferred delivery terms data, for example, FOB (Free On Board), Destination, Special, or COD.
International Shipment If selected, this checkbox indicates that the order is for international shipping.
Allow Partial Shipments If selected, this checkbox indicates that partial shipments are allowed.
Invoice Freight Charges If selected, this checkbox indicates that the freight charges from the shipping transactions are to be added to the invoice.
Overshipments If selected, this checkbox indicates that overshipment can be applied for this sales order.
Substitutions If selected, this checkbox indicates that items may be substituted on this order.
Recurring Ending Date This field displays the end date for any item on this order that are recurring line items.
Recurring Billing Cycle This field displays the billing cycle to default to each line on the sales order.
Acknowledgment Printed If selected, this checkbox indicates that the SO acknowledgment is printed, and the word DUPLICATE is printed on the sales acknowledgment.
Acknowledgment Date This field displays the date when the sales order acknowledgment was printed.
Prime Contract CAGE Code This field displays the CAGE code for the prime contractor associated with the sales order.
Inspect By This field displays the DoD Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) for the Inspect-By address.
Local Processing Office This field displays the DoDAAC for the Local Processing Office address.
3rd Party Other Office This field displays the DoDAAC for the 3rd Party - Other Office address.
Acceptance Point This field displays the acceptance point where the sales order is accepted.
Inspection Point This field displays the inspection point where the sales order is inspected.
FOB Point This field displays the Freight on Board (FOB) point for the sales order.
Alt Release Procedure If selected, this checkbox indicates that the sales order uses an alternate release procedure.
Cert Conf Reqd If selected, this checkbox indicates that the sales order requires a Certificate of Conformance (COC).
Construction Cert Reqd If selected, this checkbox indicates that the sales order requires a construction certificate.
Field Description
Notes This field displays the notes related to the sales order.


Subtask Description
SO Header Text Click this link to view detailed header information for a selected sales order row.
Sales Order Approvals Click this link to view approval information for a selected sales order row.
Sales Order Lines Click this link to open the Sales Order Lines subtask.
User-Defined Info Click this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask.
SO Header Documents Click this link to open the SO Header Documents subtask.
Exchange Rates Click this link to view the exchange rate and currency information for each line item in the main table window. This button is disabled if multicurrency is not required for sales orders.