Part (PRT) Error Messages

These are the more complicated errors associated with the PRT Line Type.

Error Message Additional Info/Remedy
Cannot change Ord Policy (Ord To Qty). You cannot change the Order Policy Type. There is a Part Project (PPJ) line or an existing Part Project record with a non-zero value in the Order To Quantity column. If the Order Policy Type (in the Part table) is O (Order To Point), the Order To Quantity must be zero or greater. To change the Order Policy Type to a value other than O, you must remove the dependency by changing the Order To Quantity to zero.
Cannot change Ord Policy (Reord Pt Qty). You cannot change the Order Policy Type. There is a Part Project (PPJ) line or an existing Part Project record with a non-zero value in the Reorder Point Quantity column. The Reorder Point Quantity must be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type (in the Part table) is R(Reorder Point). To change the Order Policy Type to a value other than R(Reorder Point), you must remove the dependency by changing the Reorder Point Quantity to zero.
Min Lot Size not allowed (Order Policy). The Minimum Lot Size Quantity cannot have a value greater than zero unless the Order Policy Type is R(Reorder Point) or M (Min/Mult Lot Size). Change the Minimum Lot Size Quantity to zero, or change the Order Policy Type to R or M.
Min/Mult Lot Size required (Ord Policy). The Minimum Lot Size Quantity or Multiple Lot Size Quantity must be provided with a value greater than zero because the Order Policy Type is M (Min/Mult Lot Size). Change the Minimum Lot Size Quantity or Multiple Lot Size Quantity to zero (0), or change the Order Policy Type to a value other than M.
Mult Lot Size not allowed (Ord Policy). The Multiple Lot Size Quantity cannot have a value greater than zero unless the Order Policy Type is M(Min/Mult Lot Size). Change Multiple Lot Size Quantity to zero (0), or change the Order Policy Type to M(Min/Mult Lot Size).
Pd Ord Days is required (Order Policy). Period Order Days is required when the Order Policy Type is P(Period). You must provide a value greater than zero for Period Order Days or change the Order Policy Type to a value other than P.
Pd Ord Days not allowed (Order Policy). Period Order Days can be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type is P (Period). You must change Period Order Days to zero (0) or change Order Policy Type to P.
PRT rejected, duplicate key. Each PRT record in the input file must have a unique key (Part ID/Part Revision ID). The input file contains multiple PRT records with the same key values indicated on the report. Remove all duplicate PRT records.
PRT rejected, no matching Item. There is a PRT record in the input file without a corresponding ITM record (with the same Item ID/Item Revision ID).
PRT rejected. Bad ITM. Unless there are additional error messages for this record, it probably contains no errors. It was rejected because it is dependent on an ITM record that was rejected. Correct the errors associated with the ITM record.
Value must be B, P, R, S, T, or L. Part Type not B (Buy With Components), P (Phantom), R (Reference), S (Standard), T (Tool) or L (MPS Planning-Only)
MPS Planning-Only part s/b Estimating. Part Type is MPS Planning-Only (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L) and Part Status not Estimating (PART. S_STATUS_TYPE not ‘E’).
MPS Planning-Only part s/b non-inv. Part Type is MPS Planning-Only (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L) and Part is an inventory part (PART. INVT_FL = ‘Y’).
MPS Planning-Only part s/b MPS planned. Part Type is MPS Planning-Only (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L) and Planning Type not MPS (PART. S_PLAN_TYPE not ‘S’).
Invalid Ord Policy, Plan Type is not R Planning Type is not equal to ‘R’eorder and Policy Type ‘Reorder Point’ or ‘Order to point.
Invalid warehouse/location combination. Default Warehouse ID / Default Inventory Location combination provided does not exist in WHSE_LOC table.
Exceeds maximum of 999999.9999 Minimum Lot Size Qty > 999999.9999
Exceeds maximum of 999999.9999 Minimum Lot Size Qty > 999999.9999
Exceeds maximum of 999999.9999 Minimum Lot Size Qty > 999999.9999
Value must be ‘A’, ‘S’ or ‘N’. Vendor Restriction by Part Code (Values: A = Approved, S = Assigned, N = No Restriction).
Invalid Industry Class Code Industry Class does not exist in IND_CLASS
Inv ser/lot track N/A to backflush part. PART.BKFLSH_FL = Y and either PART.LOT_REQD_FL = Y or PART.SERIAL_REQD_FL = Y.
Invalid Subst Part Planning Order.   Required only if MRP Settings > Plan Substitute Part = ‘Y’ and MRP_SETTINGS. USE_PART_PLAN_FL = ‘Y’. Substitute part’s status is neither of the following:

‘OP’ (Original Part Across  Project),

‘OS’  (Original/Substitute Part in Project Demand First),

‘SP’ (Substitute  Part Across Project),

‘SO’(Substitute /Original Part in Project Demand First)

Invalid Subcontractor Charge Type Input file value is not “L”, “E” or “O”
CS Inv Abbrv for Make Part cannot be RM A raw material inventory type inventory abbrev was entered as common stock invt. Abbrev for a make part
Scrap cannot exceed 0.9999. Scrap percentage cannot exceed 99.99% (0.9999)
Invalid Part Type for BOM assembly. Part Status = Estimating, Part Type is NOT MPS Planning-Only.  Part/Rev is used as the assembly in a Released or Partially Released MBOM or EBOM.
Invalid Part Status for BOM assembly. Part Status Type was changed from 'Released' to 'Pre-Released' and Part is used in an Assembly Part in BOM with BOM Status = Released or Partially Released (MBOM or EBOM).
Invalid Part Status for BOM component. Part Status Type was changed from 'Released' to 'Estimating Only' or 'Pre-Released' and Part is used in an component in a MBOM or EBOM with Component Release flag  = Released.
Invalid NAICS code Value does not exist in OPP_NAICS_CODES table, or exists with SHOW_LOOKUP_FL = N
??? cannot be negative. For Shelf Life in Days, Planning Days Past Expiration Date, No. of Days for Recertification and No. of Extensions Allowed- IF the number being uploaded contains a minus sign which is not allowed for this column. Modify the input file to provide a positive number for the indicated column.
Allow Use Past Exp Date must be Y or N. The entered value for Allow Use Past Expiration Date is not equal to Y or N.
Invalid Shelf Life Type. The entered value is not equal to any of the following: None = null, Extendable = E, Non-extendable = N.
XXX not allowed. Planning Days Past Expiration Date , No. of Days for Recertification and/or No. of Extensions Allowed is greater than 0 and Allow Use Past Expiration Date = N.