Setup Procedure

After copying the new files and executing the script file, perform the following setup actions before running the application for the first time.

Please see the installation instructions, or contact your Deltek representative for assistance.

  1. Establish default values on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen in Costpoint Purchasing.

    As much as possible, the Import Purchase Orders application will employ default values based on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen. Use the following parameters from PO_SETTINGS for defaults or edits:

    PO_SETTINGS Item Data Field Comments
    Initial PO Status (Open or Pending) S_PO_STATUS_TYPE
    Allow Change to Open in Enter Purchase Orders ALLOW_CHG_FL If Y, then PO_Status of O will be accepted in change PO.
    Default - Confirming PO DFLT_CNFRM_FL
    Default - Ship ID DFLT_SHIP_ID Must be valid in SHIP_ID.
    Buyer PAO Validation Code S_BUYER_PAO_CD
    PO Numbering Method S_PO_AUTO_NUM_TYPE Must be Manual
    Auto Calculate Sales/VAT Tax S_PO_TAXABLE_TYPE
    Default Taxable Status S_PO_STATUS_TYPE Item Type Default, All Items Taxable, All items Non-Taxable
    Save Existing Change Order to History File DFLT_SAVE_CHNG_FL If yes, then save changes to Change History.

    Can be overridden at PO Hdr level if Allow Change Save Default = Y with the input file Allow Change Save Flag.

    Allow Change Save Default DFLT_SAVE_CHNG_FL Allow change on the PO_HDR input file to save changes to Change History.
    Requisition Requirements S_REQD_RQ_ID N, A (require req id but do not validate), V (must be valid requisition ID)
  2. Set up these tables. Please see the Data Integrity Checking section under Processing Details for more information about these tables and the multicurrency tables:
  • *VEND
  • *SHIP_ID
  • *UM
  • *BUYER
  • ITEM

* = Required