Manage Cost Fee Overrides

Use this screen to set an override fee percent on each of the elements of direct cost for the project. Costpoint uses this override fee percent in place of the percent entered on the Manage Revenue Information screen when computing revenue and billings.

You can also set an override fee on hours when using the Cost Incurred Plus Fee on Hours (CPFH) revenue or billing formula. This screen is available for all revenue formulas.

You can set fee overrides at a higher level than the revenue formula. For example, you can set up the fee override on travel for this project at the top level of the project, even if the revenue formula exists at a lower level. When overrides exist at multiple project levels, Costpoint looks for the closest override at the same project level or higher in the project tree.

Use this screen to initially set up any fee override percentages that apply to direct cost for a project. Additional maintenance of the data on this screen is required only when a fee override percentage changes, or when a new one must be entered.

This screen is also available on the Manage Project User Flow: Cost Fee Ovrd.

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.