Application Processing Notes

After running this application, you can view and/or update the sales orders on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Deltek recommends that you update sales orders in the source system and upload them through the preprocessor.

When you create a new sales order, your company ID is inserted in the SO_HDR table. Before you can change an existing SO, the company ID in the SO header must match your company ID. Users can perform uploads for only one company (the user's) at a time.

The preprocessor performs a number of calculations and edits while uploading header and line records. The following information outlines specific edits and calculations performed by the preprocessor for line records:

  • Order Quantity is required in the input file.
  • All amounts in the input file should be in the transactional currency.
  • Discount Amount is not a field in the input file, but is calculated for sales order lines as follows:
  • Gross Unit Price * Volume Discount Percentage = Discount Amount
  • Net Unit Price is not a field in the input file, but is a field on the Manage Sales Orders screen. The preprocessor calculates Net Unit Price for sales order lines as follows:
  • Gross Unit PriceDiscount Amount = Net Unit Price
  • Extended Price Amount is optional in the input file. If the Extended Price Amount is not provided for the sales order line in the input file, the preprocessor calculates as follows:
  • Order Quantity * Net Unit Price = SO Line Extended Price Amount
  • If the Extended Price Amount is in the input file, the preprocessor verifies that the calculation holds true. If the calculation does not, the line record is sent to the error file.
    Note: This validation only applies if SO Line Type = MISC/ Service and Order Qty = ‘0’
  • Sales Tax/VAT Code is optional in the input file. If the Sales Tax/VAT Code is provided in the input file, the code is verified in the Sales Tax/VAT table and the preprocessor retrieves the associated tax rate. The Sales Tax/VAT Amount is calculated as follows:
  • SO Line Extended Price Amount * Sales Tax/VAT Rate = Sales Tax/VAT Amount
  • If the Sales Tax/VAT Code is not provided in the input file, no Sales Tax/VAT amount is calculated for the line.
  • SO Line Total Amount is not a field in the input file, but is a field on the Manage Sales Orders screen. The preprocessor calculates the amount as follows:
  • SO Line Extended Price Amount + Sales Tax/VAT Amount = SO Line Total Amount
  • Additionally, the preprocessor performs a number of calculations specific to Header records.
  • SO Total Amount is not a field in the input file, but is a field on the Manage Sales Orders screen. The preprocessor calculates the amount as the sum of all SO line Total Amounts.
  • Discount Amount is not an input file field. It is located on the Manage Sales Order screen. The preprocessor calculates the amount as the sum of all SO line Discount Amounts.

If the input file contains sales orders and/or lines and/or notes records that already exist in the database, the system assumes that the record in the system needs to be updated. Therefore, fields in the input file take precedence and override existing data in the system. For example, if a sales order line quantity has changed for a previously uploaded line record, the program uses the quantity in the input file and overwrites the quantity in the system. Modifications to existing records pass through the same calculations and edits as listed above.