PO Reservations Subtask

Use this subtask to display reservation lines linked to the purchase order line.


Note: The PO Reservations subtask is added in Costpoint 8.2.12. If you are in Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.
Field Description
Reservation This field displays the reservation ID linked to the purchase order/requisition.
Line This field displays the purchase order line linked to the reservation.
Part This field displays the part ID ordered or requisitioned.
Rev This field displays the part revision.
Description This field displays the description of the part being reserved.
U/M This field displays the part inventory unit of measure.
From Inv Abbrev This field displays the inventory abbreviation from which the part is being reserved.
Project This field displays the project ID tied to the From Inv Abbrev.
Need Date This field displays the date by which the reservation line is needed.
Reserved Qty This field displays the reserved quantity for the part.
On Hand Qty This field displays the quantity in the on-hand type location of the part.
Planner This field displays the planner ID.