Product Price Catalog Line Layout (PPC)

The Product Price Catalog (PROD_PRICE_CATLG) table stores Catalog Product Unit Pricing information.

You cannot process Product Price Catalog Line Types unless the Item and Item Product tables exist. You must also provide information from the Product Price Schedule table, as outlined in Product Price Schedule (PPS). 

If the Product Price Schedule's Cost of Sales Calculation Code is C (Cost Schedule), a line type for the Product Cost Schedule must exist or must be provided (refer to the Product Price Schedule (PPS) section). If the Product Price Schedule's Warranty Cost Calculation Code is C (Cost Schedule), a line type for the Product Warranty Cost Schedule must exist or must be provided (refer to Product Warranty Cost Schedule (PWS)).

If the Product Price Schedule's Cost of Sales Calculation Code is updated to P (Percentage of Sales), all existing Product Cost Schedule rows for the item are deleted. If the Product Price Schedule's Warranty Cost Calculation Code is updated to P (Percentage of Sales), all existing Product Warranty Cost Schedule rows for the item are deleted.

You can view or update the information stored in this table on the Manage Product Price Catalogs screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Note: The application uses default values for INSERTS ONLY if the input file field value is not provided. The exception is MODIFIED_BY, which is updated using the default value if no value is provided.
Input File Field Costpoint Column Column Type and Max Length Starting/Ending Position Required Values, Defaults, and Notes
Line Type Character 3 1 - 3 Yes PPC is used to indicate Product Price Catalog information.
Item ID ITEM_ID Character 30 4 - 33 Yes If an Item ID/Item Revision ID/Price Catalog Code combination exists, the Product Price Catalog table is updated.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters. 

Item Revision ID ITEM_RVSN_ ID Character 3 34 - 36 Yes (if revisions are used) If an Item ID/Item Revision ID/Price Catalog Code combination exists, the Product Price Catalog table is updated. The default is a space.

The fixed length file format accepts 3 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 10 characters.

Price Catalog Code PRICE_ CATLG_CD Character 10 37 - 46 Yes The value must exist in the Price Catalog table.
Certificate of Conformance Flag *CERT_OF_ CONF_ FL Character 1 47 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the Item Product table.
Cost of Sales Percentage Rate *COGS_PCT_ RT Decimal 5.4 (maximum input file length - 6) 48 - 53 No. Required for inserted records if Cost of Sales Calculation Code is P. The value can be greater than zero if the Cost of Sales Calculated Code is P (for inserted records). The default is0. The input file format is 9.9999 (maximum six characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 9.9999. No embedded commas are allowed.

Note: The Cost of Sales Percentage Rate is updated to 0 if the Cost of Sales Calculation Code is updated to C.

Defer Revenue Flag *DEFER_REV_FL Character 1 54 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the Item Product table.
External Warranty Code *EXT_WARR_CD Character 6 55 - 60 No If provided, a value must exist in the Warranty table. The default is null.
Installment Bill Flag *INSTALL_ BILL_FL Character 1 61 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the Item Product table.
Internal Warranty Code *INT_WARR_ CD Character 6 62 - 67 No If provided, a value must exist in the Warranty table. The default is null.
Inventory Abbreviation Code *INVT_ ABBRV_CD Character 6 68 - 73 No If provided, the value must exist in the Inventory Abbreviation code table. The default is null. This value must exist for your Company ID.

The fixed length file format accepts 6 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 20 characters.

Sales Group Abbreviation Code *SALES_ ABBRV_CD Character 6 74 - 79 No If provided, the value must exist in the Sales Group Abbreviation Code table. The default is null. This value must exist for your company ID.
Source Inspection Flag *SRCE_INSP_ FL Character 1 80 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Cost of Sales Calculation Code *S_COGS_ CALC_CD Character 1 81 No The value can be P (Percentage) or C (Cost Schedule). The default is P.
Sales Order Line Type Code *S_PROD_LN_TYPE_CD Character 6 82 - 87 No The value can be DRP (Drop Shipment), INT (In Transit), INO (Invoice), INV (Inventory), or REC (Recurring). The default is retrieved from the Item Product table.
Warranty Cost Calculation Code *S_WARR_CST_CALC_CD Character 1 88 No The value can be P (Percentage) or C (Cost Schedule). The default is P.
Warranty Percentage Rate *WARR_PCT_RT Decimal 5.4 (maximum input file length - 6) 89 - 94 No. Required for inserts if the Warranty Cost Calculation Code is P. The value can be greater than zero if the Warranty Cost Calculation Code is P. The default is 0. The input file format is 9.9999 (maximum six characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 9.9999. No embedded commas are allowed.

Note: The Warranty Percentage Rate is updated to 0 if the Warranty Cost Calculation Code is updated to C.

User ID last modified by *MODIFIED_ BY Character 18 95 - 112 No The default is UPLOAD. If a value is not provided, the program modifies the MODIFIED_BY column using the current user ID as the default.

* Indicates columns that may be updated when changing an existing record with this preprocessor.