Use the UDT14S screen to add, edit, and delete items for UDT14. UDT14 has no special attributes. You can use UDT14 to capture information that does not depend on any of the other UDTs.


The UDT14S screen is located in the Configuration module.

To display the screen, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Time & Expense > Configuration > Master Data > UDT14S.


Screen Fields

Field Description

Enter a 20-character, uppercase alphanumeric UDT14 code. Each code must be unique. 

Note: The number of characters you enter cannot exceed the size set up in the General Settings, UDT Labels subtask for UDT14.
Description Enter up to 30 characters for a UDT14 description. You should make descriptions as short as possible and properly capitalize them because they are used in drop-downs, Lookups, and as column headings for reports and inquiries.

Select this check box if the UDT14 is active.

Note: You cannot delete a UDT14 code that is used on a timesheet line or on an expense report.