Line Charges/Miscellaneous Line-Types

Use Costpoint to set up PO line charge type codes for two different purposes.

In the first case, you can use line charge types in place of an item (part, good, or service) on a new PO line. If you do not enter an item on the PO line in the Manage Purchase Orders screen, you must enter a line charge type code in the Misc Type column. The PO function then looks up the line charge type to populate a description field (provided one has not already been entered) and various other default values.

In the second instance, you can use PO line charge types to set up one or more line charges against an existing PO line. These charges can represent additional amounts the vendor charges beyond the unit price and associated sales tax specified on the PO line. Typical line charges include freight and shipping costs, insurance, lot and setup charges, and Nonrecurring Engineering (NRE) costs.

Note: If you use Costpoint Inventory, you can roll these costs, along with sales tax, into the value of the inventory parts for the purchased items if the Roll-Up PO Charges in Material Cost (Expense Inv Only) check box is selected on the Configure Inventory Settings screen in Costpoint Inventory. If the inventory abbreviation on the PO line has an inventory account type of A, the line charge and tax costs are rolled up to prevent inventory discrepancies.