Maintain the Fiscal Year Setup

Use this screen to adjust the fiscal year setup, which was initially configured during the Post-Installation Setup process.

Note: This screen is only accessible to super administrators.

To maintain the fiscal year setup:

  1. Click Planning > Administration > Administration Controls > Org Budget Controls > Fiscal Year Setup (MAM16) to display the Fiscal Year Setup screen.
  2. In the table, select the indirect pool setup you want to modify, or click to search for it.
  3. In Description, enter a description for the fiscal year setup (for example, 2005).
  4. In Closing Rate Code, click and select Target to indicate that the prior year closed at the target rate, or select Actual to indicate that it closed at the actual rate.
    Note: The Fiscal Year field is read-only and cannot be edited.
  5. Click to save your changes.