Dashparts of the Buyer Dashboard

The information on each dashpart is based on the condition that the Pending Buyer Action (across Purchase Orders and by Purchase Order) dashparts are available only to users who are licensed for Supplier Portal.


Field Description
Pending Buyer Action (across Purchase Orders) This dashpart displays bars that indicate the number of PO lines/delivery schedule lines that need buyer action. You can click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Buyer Action screen where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded. For POs with Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox (Manage Vendors screen) not selected for the PO vendor, the POs will not be displayed in the dashpart.
  • Change Requests: This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) with an Action = Change Request by Supplier. This means that the Supplier has suggested some changes to the PO line/delivery line order, like a quantity or due date change. The Buyer must review and either accept or reject the requested change. If you click the Change Requests bar on the Buyer Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Buyer Actions screen.
  • Change Accepted: This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) with an Action = Change Request Accepted by Supplier. This means that the supplier has accepted proposed changes that the buyer has made to the PO line/delivery schedule order, like a quantity or due date change. The buyer must take the action to implement the change. If you click the Change Request Rejected bar on the Buyer Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Buyer Actions screen.
  • Change Rejected: This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) with an Action = Change Request Rejected by Supplier. This means that the supplier has rejected the proposed changes made by the buyer to the PO line/delivery schedule order, like a quantity or due date change. The buyer must review and either acknowledge the rejection, or take further action. If you click the Change Request Rejected bar on the Buyer Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Buyer Actions screen.
  • Cancel Request: This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) with an Action = Cancel Request by Supplier. This means that the supplier wants to cancel the PO line/delivery schedule order. The buyer must review and either accept or reject the request. If you click the Cancel Request bar on the Buyer Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Buyer Actions screen.
  • Cancel Rejected: This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) with an Action = Cancel Request Rejected by Supplier. This means that the supplier has rejected the proposed cancellation of a PO line/delivery schedule order that the buyer has made. The buyer must review and either acknowledge the rejection, or take further action. If you click the Cancel Request Rejected bar on the Buyer Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Buyer Actions screen.
  • Cancel Accepted: This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) with an Action = Cancel Request Accepted by Supplier. This means that the supplier has accepted the proposed cancelation of a PO line/delivery schedule order that the buyer has made. The buyer must take action to implement the cancellation. If you click the Cancel Request Accepted bar on the Buyer Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Buyer Actions screen.
  • New Orders Rejected: This bar indicates the number of new PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) with an Action = Rejected by Supplier. This means that the supplier has rejected the new PO line/delivery schedule order, and that the buyer should review and take the necessary action.
Pending Supplier Action (across Purchase Orders) This dashpart displays bars that indicate the number of PO lines/delivery schedule lines with pending supplier action. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Buyer Action screen where the corresponding PO/PO lines or delivery schedule lines are loaded.
For POs with Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox (Manage Vendors screen) not selected for the PO vendor, the POs will not be displayed in the dashpart.
Past Due Deliveries This dashpart displays bars that indicate the number of days that the supplier is late in fulfilling the PO line order. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Buyer Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded. By default, the ranges for this dashpart have been set to increments of 10 (Ex. 10, 20, and 30, respectively, for ranges 1-3). You can set the ranges through the Manage Dashparts and define up to 10 ranges for this dashpart. Costpoint will only display those that have been defined, and you have an option to hide this dashpart.
≤ 10 Days This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) that are late by up to 10 days. If this screen is opened by selecting ≤ 10 bar on the dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines that match the company and buyer ID with that of the logged-in user that are overdue by 10 days or less, and have an open PO line status.
11-20 Days This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) that are between 11-20 days late. If this screen is opened by selecting 11-20 bar on the dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines that match the company and buyer ID with that of the logged-in user that are overdue by 20 days or less, and have an open PO line status.
21-30 Days This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) that are between 21-30 days late. If this screen is opened by selecting > 20 bar on the dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines that match the company and buyer ID with that of the logged-in user that are overdue by 30 days or less, and have an open PO line status.
> 30 Days This bar indicates the number of PO lines or delivery schedule lines (across multiple POs) that are over 30 days late. If this screen is opened by selecting > 30 bar on the dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines that match the company and buyer ID with that of the logged-in user that are overdue by more than 30 days, and have an open PO line status.
Upcoming Deliveries This dashpart displays bars that indicate deliveries that are due/upcoming within a certain number of days, so that the buyer can take the necessary actions to follow-up or facilitate receipt. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Buyer Action screen where the corresponding PO/PO lines/delivery schedule lines are loaded. For POs with Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox (Manage Vendors screen) not selected for the PO vendor, the POs will not be displayed in the dashpart.
Target Place Dates This dashpart helps the buyer prioritize processing of requisitions into purchase orders (PO). It shows the requisition lines for which POs need to be placed within a certain number of days. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Apply PO Info to Requisitions by Line screen where the corresponding requisitions/lines are loaded.
Pending Release to Supplier (by Purchase Order) This dashpart displays a list of POs that have at least one (1) PO line, with or without delivery schedule lines, that has not been released to the supplier. Click the PO hyperlink to go to the Manage Buyer Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded for the selected PO. Costpoint loads all PO lines that match the company and buyer ID with that of the logged-in user, PO line/delivery line last action is blank, and PO line status is Open. For POs with Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox (Manage Vendors screen) not selected for the PO vendor, the POs will not be displayed in the dashpart.
Pending Buyer Action (by Purchase Order) This dashpart displays a list of POs that have at least one (1) PO line or delivery schedule line with pending buyer action. Click the PO hyperlink to go to the Manage Buyer Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded for the selected PO. Costpoint loads all PO lines that match the company and buyer ID with that of the logged-in user, PO line/delivery line last action is not blank, and PO line status is Open. For POs with Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox (Manage Vendors screen) not selected for the PO vendor, the POs will not be displayed in the dashpart.
Open Purchase Orders This dashpart displays a list of POs that have at least one (1) open PO line, regardless of the Last Action value. Click the PO hyperlink to go to the Manage Buyer Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded for the selected PO. Costpoint loads all PO lines that match the company and buyer ID with that of the logged-in user, PO line/delivery line last action is not blank, and PO line status is Open.
Open Request for Quotes This dashpart displays all Open Request for Quotes (RFQ) that have at least one (1) RFQ line with Open Line status. Click the RFQ hyperlink to go to the Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screen where the corresponding RFQ details are loaded.