Components Subtask

Use this subtask to view information about the components of the selected assembly part in the Release Multiple Engineering Bills of Material screen.


Field Description
Line No

This field displays the line number for this component part.

Find No

This field displays the drawing find number for this component part.


This field displays the identification code for this component part.


This field displays the component part's revision.


This field displays the component part's description.

Comp Released

This field displays Y (Yes) if this component part has been released. Otherwise, this field displays N (No)

Component BOM Status

This field displays the MBOM's release status. The various statuses are:

  • Released
  • Pre-release
  • Unreleased

If this component part is not a subassembly this field displays Not applicable.

Part Status

This field displays the release status of this component part. The various statuses are:

  • Pre-Release
  • Released
  • Phase-Out
  • Estimating
  • Obsolete
Comp Type

This field displays this component part's type. The various types are:

  • Buy with Components
  • Standard
  • Phantom
  • Reference
  • Tool
Qty Type

This field displays the quantity type assigned to this component part. The various types are:

  • Per Assembly
  • Per Order
  • As Required

This field displays the component part quantity for the MBOM.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for this component part.

MBOM Make/Buy

This field displays Make if this component part is manufactured or Buy if it is purchased.


This field displays the configuration ID assigned to this component part.

Configuration Description

This field displays the configuration's description.

Effective Starting Date

This field displays the date this component part becomes effective in the EBOM.

Effective Ending Date

This field displays the date this component part ceases being effective in the EBOM.

Reference Designators

This field displays the reference designator text for this component part.

Component Comments

This field displays miscellaneous information about this component part.

MBOM Exists

This field displays Y (Yes) if this component part is a subassembly. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Entry User ID

This field displays the user ID of the individual who first entered this component line.

Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date and time when this component part was first entered.

Last Change User ID

This field displays the user ID of the individual who made the most recent change to the component part.

Last ECN

This field displays the last Engineering Change Notice (ECN) code for this component part.