Summarize Project Goal Detail

Use this screen to summarize the Project Goal Detail table (PROJ_GOAL_DETL) into a specified subperiod.

This process deletes rows that are summarized from the table, thus freeing disk space and reducing the size of your database. You can run this process at the end of every period to control the number of rows that exist in the PROJ_GOAL_HDR and PROJ_GOAL_DETL tables.

This process is run on a year-to-date basis for all periods and subperiods up to and including the subperiod selected. In the PROJ_GOAL_DETL table for non-labor and units, Costpoint inserts a row for each unique project/organization/account combination into the fiscal year, period, and subperiod selected. For labor, Costpoint inserts a row for each unique project/account/organization/employee/GLC/PLC into the fiscal year, period, and subperiod selected.

Note: You cannot report for the periods deleted because the data is summarized; however, for future period reporting, your YTD detail is accurate.

You must run the following screens in sequence:

  1. Run the Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred screen for all projects for the ending subperiod up to those you want to summarize.
  2. Run the Summarize Project Goal Detail screen (this screen). Costpoint sets the ending subperiod and period to date columns equal to the year-to-date balances. The ITD columns remain the same and no modifications are necessary. The application deletes all rows that are summarized from the PROJ_GOAL_DETL and PROJ_GOAL_HDR tables.
  3. Run the Update Prior Year History screen with the Billing Value check box selected. During this process, Costpoint inserts the Ytd_Goal_Amt column from the PROJ_GOAL_DETL table into the Py_Goal_Amt column of the PY_GOAL table and uses these balances to derive ITD balances for the next fiscal year.

If you do not need prior period data for reporting purposes, you can run the Summarize Project Goal Detail screen to ensure accurate YTD balances. All prior period rows are deleted from the PROJ_GOAL_HDR and PROJ_GOAL_DETL tables.