Manage Request for Quotes By Item

Use this screen to maintain Requests for Quotes (RFQs) for a specific item. You can link an RFQ for each item to a specified proposal and/or requisition.

Enter an item ID in the Header tab to create or add RFQs for a specified item. Costpoint loads all existing RFQs for that item ID. This screen displays any RFQs that already exist for a specific vendor (and the same item) on the Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screen. You can also create RFQs in the Select Request for Quotes from Proposals and Create Request for Quotes for Proposals applications in Costpoint Materials Estimating. This screen displays any RFQs that already exist for the item in a proposal in Costpoint Materials Estimating.

Use this screen whenever you need to send RFQs to multiple vendors for the same item.


This screen consists of two tabs, which are:

  • Header: Use this tab to enter detailed information about the item to associate with an RFQ.
  • Line Defaults: Use this tab to establish defaults for any new RFQ lines generated in this function.