Contents of the Link Projects/Accounts Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Link Projects/Accounts screen.

Project Accts

Use the table window to enter the project and accounts combinations that you want to validate.

Field Description
Project Wildcard String

Enter a valid project for which you want to select accounts. You can enter wildcards in this field. For examples of the wildcard feature, click the Entry Options button.

Account Wildcard String

Enter a valid account that you want to validate for this project. Wildcards can be used in this field.

Project Count

This field displays a count on the number of projects that are included in a given project wildcard string.

Account Count

This field displays a count on the number of accounts that are included in a given account wildcard string.

Possible Combinations

Costpoint derives the number of possible combinations by multiplying the Project Count by the Account Count.


Subtask Description
Wildcard Option Click this link to see a screen that provides examples for using the wildcard feature. The wildcards are % and _. The % wildcard denotes "any character, any length," while the _ wildcard indicates "any single character."
Sample Projects Click this button to display the projects for the Project Wildcard String in the highlighted row in the Project Accts table window. If you leave the starting point field blank, Costpoint displays all the projects in the wildcard string. You can limit the projects that you want to display by entering a starting character string. Costpoint displays the projects that begin with that same string as well as the projects that follow it. Note that this field does not use wildcards or work like a field that uses wildcards. It displays all projects in a given wildcard string beginning with a specified starting point. You can use this functionality to ensure that your project/account wildcard was set up properly.
Sample Accounts Click this button to display the accounts for the Account Wildcard String in the highlighted row in the Project Accts table window. If you leave the starting point field blank, Costpoint displays all the accounts in the wildcard string. You can limit the accounts that you want to display by entering a starting character string. Costpoint displays the accounts that begin with that same string as well as the accounts that follow it. Note that this field does not use wildcards or work like a field that uses wildcards. It displays all accounts in a given wildcard string beginning with a specified starting point. You can use this functionality to ensure that your project/account wildcard was set up properly.