Delivery Schedule Subtask

Use the Delivery Schedule subtask to view the multiple delivery schedule of a purchase order (PO) line.


Field Description
PO, Rlse, Status, Type, Trans Currency, PO Line, Item, Rev, Status, Description, Ordered Quantity

These fields display values from the main screen.

Schedule Line

This field displays the delivery schedule line number.

Order Qty

This column displays the quantity required to be delivered for this particular period.

Due Date

This column displays the delivery date the item ordered quantity is due from the vendor.

Desired Date

This column displays the date the item ordered quantity is desired by the requester.

Original Due Date

This column displays the date the vendor originally agreed to deliver this order quantity.


Subtask Description
Action History Click this link to open the Action History subtask to display the history of any action change, along with communication notes.