Mass Add/Replicate Capabilities

Use the Mass Add Project Master Data screen to mass add or update multiple projects by replicating existing information across multiple records.

The utility is a two-step process: adding basic project information and updating existing project information with additional data. The majority of this topic is devoted to the issues and examples of the setup of basic project information and structure. The project structure must exist in Costpoint before additional project setup screens can be added. You can add the basic project structure by selecting the Include Basic Info checkbox with the additional project tables selected in the Include group box or you can run the utility twice. If you elect to add all the tables at the same time, the utility automatically adds the basic project information first. 

In this first section, we discuss adding basic project information. Costpoint provides the following replication capabilities:

  1. You can replicate project information from an individual project node or element to another within the same project. The levels do not necessarily have to be horizontal. However, you cannot copy the top-level project to lower levels.

    For Example:

    • You can replicate project 1000.1, creating project 1000.2.
    • You can replicate project 1000.1.1, creating project 1000.2.
    • You cannot replicate project 1000, creating project 1000.1.
    • In the third example, a top-level project was chosen. The top level of a project also contains the number of levels and segment length for that project. This data must not exist in lower levels, which would occur if the top-level project was copied.
  2. You can replicate project information from one individual project node to a node of a different project. The levels do not necessarily have to be horizontal. However, you cannot copy the top-level project to lower levels and vice versa. You can, however, copy a top-level project to another top-level project, creating a new project.

    For Example:

    • You can replicate project 1000.1, creating project 2000.001.
    • You can replicate project 1000.1, creating project 2000.001.001.
    • You can replicate project 1000, creating project 2000.
    • You cannot replicate project 1000, creating project 2000.1.
    • You cannot replicate project 1000.1, creating project 2000.

    In the third example, a top-level project was chosen. Because no data currently exists for project 2000, the program must also copy the Project Level table from project 1000. Therefore, project 2000 is created with the same number of levels and segment length as project 1000. If this is not the project structure you want for project 2000, you must modify this information on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow before setting up any lower levels.

    In the fourth example, project 2000 already exists with its own number of levels and segment length defined at its top level. If you copy project 1000, you also copy the Project Level table, but you are copying this table to a lower level node. This creates inconsistencies between the top level (project 2000) and its lower level (2000.1.) Therefore, replication of a top-level project can occur only when you create another top-level project.

    In the fifth example, no top-level project information exists in project 1000.1; therefore, no top-level project information is copied to project 2000.

  3. You can create multiple new projects from an existing project by replicating the top-level project to other top-level projects.

    For Example:

    • You can replicate project 1000, creating projects 2000, 2001, 2002.
    • Projects 2000, 2001, and 2002 are created with the same number of levels and segment length as project 1000. If this is not the project structure you want for these projects, you must modify this information on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow before setting up any lower levels.
    • You must indicate the range of project identifiers for the new projects. Only numeric ranges are allowed. Valid numeric ranges include the following:

      1000.001 to 1000.020                        20 new projects are created.

      1000.a01 to 1000.a50                        50 new projects are created.

      3000 to 4000                                     1001 new projects are created.

    • If you specify a range of more than 300 projects, the program displays a warning message, allowing you to cancel out before executing the utility.
  4. You can create multiple new non-top-level project nodes by replicating a non-top-level project node.

    For Example:

    • You can replicate project 1000.1, creating project 2000.1, 2001.1, 2002.1.
    • You must indicate the range of project identifiers for the new projects. Only numeric ranges are allowed. Valid numeric ranges include the following:

      1000.001 to 1000.020                        20 new projects are created.

      1000.a01 to 1000.a50                        50 new projects are created.

      3000 to 4000                                     1001 new projects are created.

    • If you specify a range of more than 300 projects, the program displays a warning message, allowing you to cancel out before executing the utility.
  5. You can replicate a branch of an existing project to a branch within the same project.

    For Example:

    Assume the following project structure:

    1000.01 1000.02
    1000.01.01  1000.01.02 1000.02.01  1000.02.02
    1000.01.01.01 1000.02.01.01
    1000.01.01.02 1000.02.01.02

    You can replicate the branch of this project starting with 1000.01, including all lower levels. You can create project 1000.03, which is a mirror image of project 1000.01. In this example, all three branches of this project are identical.

  6. You can replicate a branch of an existing project to a branch within a new project.

    For Example:

    Again, assume the following project structure:

    1000.01 1000.02
    1000.01.01  1000.01.02 1000.02.01  1000.02.02
    1000.01.01.01 1000.02.01.01
    1000.01.01.02 1000.02.01.02

    You can create a new project 2000, which is a mirror image of project 1000. The number of levels and segment length are identical. Because lower levels are also replicated, you cannot modify the structure of the new project.

    Now assume that top-level project 2000 already exists. You want to replicate level 1000.01 and its lower levels, creating project 2000.01 and lower levels. You can do so only under the following conditions:

    • Project 2000 and project 1000 must have a common structure. The number of levels and segment length must be the same. For example, if project 1000 has a 4-3-2 structure, project 2000 must also.
    • Only horizontal replication is permitted. You must replicate to the same level. In the example, you cannot replicate level 1000.01 and all lower levels, creating 2000.01.01 and lower levels. You must create project 2000.01

      If you replicate a tree (you have selected the Include Lower Levels checkbox on the Mass Add Project Master Data screen, you can replicate only one project a time. Therefore, you cannot enter a range of projects. If you want to replicate the project tree across multiple projects, you must execute the utility multiple times.

      You are prompted for a template project. This is the project from which data is copied.

      If you replicate a project level other than the top level, the top level of the new project must already exist. For example, if you replicate project 1000.1.1, creating project 2000.1.1, you must first set up project 2000.

      You are prompted for the range of projects to add. If you are replicating an individual node, you are prompted for the starting and ending project range. If you are including lower levels (replication of a tree), you are limited to generating one new project. The End project field is disabled.

      Costpoint displays the number of projects that you have indicated you want to add. Next, specify whether you are creating new projects or updating existing projects.

      When you click the Fill Table button on the Mass Add Project Master Data screen, Costpoint generates a line in the table window for each new project being created. If you indicate that you want to create more than 100 projects, Costpoint displays a warning indicating that it is creating more than 100 projects. You can continue or cancel out.

      The ID of the existing project displays in the table window column identified as such. You must individually identify the new project ID of each node being created. Costpoint validates that the top-level project exists, and that the level and segment length are consistent with the top-level project. You can also modify the project name in the table window. The program, however, defaults the template project name into this field.

      By highlighting an item in the Include list box on the Mass Add Project Master Data screen, you can replicate the tables associated with that particular function. Table names have been grouped into logical categories. For example, if you want to replicate billing information for a particular project, highlight the Project Billing Info selection. Logically, you may also want to set up customer files and cash basis information for this project. Highlight the Project Customer Setup and Project Cash Basis selections as well. When you execute the screen, the utility copies the Project Bill Info, Project Customer, and Cash Basis tables as well as the Project Basic Info. Certain tables require the existence of other tables before you can add them. For example, the tables associated with overrides depend upon the revenue setup tables. In these instances, the program requires that the parent table setup be highlighted if the dependent table is selected.

      After you have selected which projects and tables to set up, you can generate an edit report before executing the procedure.

  7. You can also use this utility to mass update existing projects with additional tables. This is useful if you want to copy entire tables from one project to another. For example, you may want to replicate project vendors across all levels of a project, or you may want to replicate account/organizations across numerous projects. The application inserts new data from the template table rather than simply copying the template table. This means that the application reads the records stored in the template table. It then reads the records stored in the table designated for update. Any records found in the template table that do not exist in the selected table are inserted or added to that table, so that you can modify one table, and use that table to update across multiple projects. For example, you could update the project work force of a given project with a new hire. You would run this utility to update the project work force for all projects on which the new employee is working. The work force of the projects selected would be updated to include this employee and any other employees found in the work force of the template project.

    You must enter a Template Project. This is the project from which data is copied. The option to include lower levels is unavailable for the mass update portion of this utility.

    You must also enter a range of projects in the Selection Ranges group box. The projects selected for update must exist, and they must contain project basic information.

    Costpoint displays the number of projects to update. Do not select the Include Basic Info checkbox.

    When you click the Fill Table button, Costpoint generates a line in the table window for each project being updated. If you indicate that you want to create more than 100 projects, Costpoint displays a warning indicating that it is creating more than 100 projects. At that point, you can continue or cancel out.

    The ID and description of each project being modified displays in the table window column identified as such. You must now select the items to replicate. By checking an item on that list, you replicate the tables associated with that particular function. Tables are grouped into logical categories, and English names of the tables are provided.

    Finally, you can use this utility to print an edit report of the tables that are created or updated. This report provides detail about the tables that were modified, and the values within those tables that were added.