Post Pool Journals

Use this screen to control the posting of the Pool (Allocation) Journal to the Ledger.

It takes the Current Amount to Post from the Manage Allocation Journals screen and updates the G/L with that amount for each account/organization or project/account/organization combination shown on the Manage Allocation Journals screen. The credit (or offset) account/organization for each pool is taken from the Default Accounts subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen.

This process updates the following tables for all account/organization combinations for each pool selected:

  • FS_SUM: Financial Statement Summary table
  • GL_POST_SUM: Summary table for all GL Postings
  • GL_DETL: Detail Table for all GL Postings
  • REF_SUM: Reference Number Summary table
  • ALLOC_BASIS_JNL_HS: History table for all Pool Journal postings
  • OPEN_BILLING_DETL: Open Billing Detail table

After the posting process is complete, Costpoint deletes the records on the Manage Allocation Journal screen for the selected pools and subperiods.

The journal code for this posting is PAJ.

Use this screen whenever you need to post pool (allocation) journal records. Print the Service Center Allocation Report and the Allocation Journal Edit Report before you post this journal.