Exchange Rates Subtask

Use the Exchange Rates subtask to review transaction currency, rate group, and exchange rate information for the subcontractor purchase order (PO).

All field values on this subtask default from the Exchange Rates subtask of the Manage Purchase Orders screen. You can only modify the Rate Date field and the Freeze Rate check box.


Field Description
Work Assignment, Desc, Status, Vendor, PO, Rlse

These fields display values from the main screen.

Transaction Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for the subcontractor PO. This field populates with the default Transaction Currency from the Exchange Rates subtask of Manage Purchase Orders.

Rate Group

This field displays the rate group for the transaction. This field populates with the default Rate Group from the Exchange Rates subtask of Manage Purchase Orders.

The rate group name displays in the field on the right.

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

Rate Date

This field displays the system (today's) date. To obtain exchange rates for another date, enter, or click to select, a date and click the Apply button.