Update Master Production Schedules

Use this screen to generate planned orders and Master Production Scheduling (MPS) action message reports for MPS planned parts. The process checks supply and demand for all selected MPS parts, projects, companies, and warehouses.

This screen process is similar to the Update Material Requirements Plan process in Material Requirements Planning. Both applications update low-level code information and populate the same supply and demand tables. Planned orders are generated for parts with identified shortages and generate action messages to identify issues with parts and current orders. Unlike the Update Material Requirements Plan screen, this screen only plans parts with a planning type of MPS (defined on the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition). Action messages generated from this screen are visible only in Master Production Scheduling module screens and reports, not in the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) module screens and reports.

The Manage Master Production Schedules application allows you to select specific parts, projects, and warehouses. Parts, projects, warehouses, and MPS Plans that are not selected are not affected by the current process. Unlike the Update Material Requirements Plan screen, it does not use the part's net change flag to determine which parts to plan, but sets the part's net change flag to cleared if the part is fully planned for all projects, warehouses, and companies.

Note that it is possible to generate planned orders and action messages for MPS parts using the Update Material Requirements Plan screen as long as the Plan MPS Part Requirements check box is selected on the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Material Requirements Planning Settings screen. If this check box is selected, and the Update Material Requirements Plan screen is run after or instead of this screen, action messages for MPS parts may be visible only in the MRP module action message screens and reports.