Report Process Validations

This section lists the report process validations performed by the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen.

Requisition Header

Condition Message Type Message
Two input file rows with the same req ID E Duplicate rows exist in the input file.
Requisition header input file row exists without any associated Requisition Line input file row. E At least one requisition line must be associated with a requisition header.
Requisition ID exists in RQ_HDR with COMPANY_ID different from that of the user. E Requisition ID already exists for another company.
Requisitioner ID is not in EMPL for user’s COMPANY_ID, or exists but is not active (EMPL.S_EMPL_STATUS_CD not = ACT) E This requisitioner employee does not exist or is inactive.
Requisitioner Org is not in ORG for user’s COMPANY_ID (if non-blank) E This requisitioner organization does not exist.
Requisition Approval Process (header) is not in RQ_HDR_APPRVL for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This header approval process code does not exist.
Approval level = header, Approval Process Assignment is Manual and Header Approval Process is blank. E Header approval process is required when approvals are by requisition and approval process assignment is Manual.
Approvals are required at the header level (RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R, S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD is not N), but system was not able to assign an approval process code. E Approvals are required, but the process was not able to assign an approval process code to the requisition.
Req Settings Approvals is by P/A/O; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the project or acct/org on the first requisition line. E The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Project or Acct/Org on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Proj/Acct/Org.
Req Settings Approvals is by Item Type; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the item type on the first requisition line. E The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Item Type on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Item Type.
Procurement Type does not exist in PROCURE_TYPE. E This procurement type does not exist.
Project does not exist in PROJ for user’s COMPANY_ID, or exists but is not active. E This project does not exist or is inactive.
Over Budget Validation Reqd flag not Y or N. E ‘Over Budget Validation Reqd’ must be Y or N.
Buyer ID is not in BUYER for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This buyer does not exist.
"Combine with other requisitions" not Y or N E "Combine with other requisitions" must be Y or N
"GSA" not Y or N E "GSA" must be Y or N
Record already exists in Costpoint table for the data in the input file (or staging table), screen option selected for duplicate error handling duplicates is "Do Not Overwrite." E This record already exists in Costpoint tables and will not be imported as per the error handling option selected.
Row does not exist in CURRENCY table with S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file/staging table). E The transaction currency does not exist.
Row exists in MU_CRNCY_STATUS table with S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file/staging table), and EXPIR_DT < Rate Date (input file/staging table).  Note – does not apply to transaction currencies that don’t have a row in the above table. E The currency is not active for the rate date entered.
Row does not exist in RT_GRP table with RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file/ staging table). E The rate group does not exist.
Row does not exist in RT_GRP_CRNCY with the combination of RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file/ staging table), FR_S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file/staging table) & TO_S_CRNCY_CD = GL_CONFIG. FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD). E Transaction to Functional Currency combination is not a member of the Rate Group.
Row does not exist in RT_BY_DT table with the combination of RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file/ staging table), FR_S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file/staging table) & TO_S_CRNCY_CD = GL_CONFIG. FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD), OR row exists but END_DT < Rate Date (input file/staging table). E There is no exchange rate available for the selected currency code combination, date and rate group.
Record already exists in Costpoint table for the data in the input file (or staging table), screen option selected for duplicate error handling duplicates is "Overwrite Existing." E This record already exists in Costpoint tables but will be overwritten upon upload as per the error handling option selected.
Approval Process outside amount limit, approvals at req level.

Req Amt is below the min amt that is required for the selected approval process code.

W Warning: Selected Approval Process has no approval titles with the minimum or maximum amount limit meeting the requisition total amount.

The req status was set to Approved.

Approval Process outside amount limit, approvals at req level.

Approval process has no approval title that meet the Req Amt and amount is ABOVE the MAX amt that is required for the selected approval process/title code.

E This requisition's estimated amount does not fit any approval title's min/max limits for the selected approval process code.
Header status entered is "I," RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = N, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R). W Warning: Requisition status will be "A" (Approved) since approvals are not required.
Apple Org Security = Y for Product Planning (ORG_SEC_BY_MODULE.USE_ORG_SEC_FL = ‘Y’ where ORG_SEC_BY_MODULE.S_MODULE_CD = ‘PP’)


E Your user ID does not have the required access rights' to this requisition's organization.
Date fields are not in YYYY-MM-DD format. E Invalid date format.
The Security Clearance System ID is invalid E The Security Clearance System ID is invalid.

Requisition Header Security Clearance Validation

Condition Message Type


Security Clearance System ID does not exist in the Security Clearance Settings. E The Security Clearance System ID is invalid.

Requisition Header SOW Validations

Condition Message Type (Error/Warning) Message
SOW ID/Rev combination does not exist in SOW table for the login user's company. E The SOW/ID combination is invalid.
SOW ID/Rev combination exists for the login user’s company, but is inactive in SOW table.

[Note - applies to New line only.]

E The SOW ID/Rev combination is inactive.
SOW ID already exists on another row for the same PO/Rlse/PO line. E The same SOW ID cannot be used multiple times for the same PO line, regardless of revision.

Requisition Line

Condition Message Type (Error/Warning) Message
Requisition line input file row exists without any associated Requisition Header input file row. E This requisition line must be associated with a requisition header.
More than one row exists in the input file (or staging table) with same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. E Line numbers should be unique for a given requisition.
Item/Rev (or Item if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination does not exist for user’s company  (or for Company =1 if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = N) E This Item/Rev does not exist.
Item/Rev (or Item if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and ITEM. ACTIVE_FL = N.

This error message should also display if the file format selected is "Fixed Length" and the item ID exceeds 30 and rev exceeds three (3) characters.

E This Item/Rev is not active.
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = E E This Part/Rev has a status of "Estimating."
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = P E This Part/Rev has a status of "Pre-Release."
Misc Type (non-blank) not in LN_CHG_TYPE for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This miscellaneous type does not exist.
Misc Type Code not = Blank, Item/Rev not = Blank E A miscellaneous type cannot be entered for a part, good or service.
Misc Type Code = Blank, Item/Rev = Blank. E Either Item/Rev or Misc Type must be entered for the requisition line.
Commodity must be valid Commodity Code (if non-blank).  If the ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y, must have same company ID as User’s. E This commodity code does not exist.
Req U/M is not in UM table. E This unit of measure does not exist.
Requisition Line Quantity < 0. E Quantity cannot be negative.
Est Unit Cost (Trans) < 0. E Est Unit Cost cannot be negative
Est Cost Type (if non-blank) is not in RQ_EST_CST_TYPE for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This cost type does not exist.
Taxable flag not Y or N E "Taxable" must be Y or N.
Ship ID not in SHIP_ID for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This Ship ID does not exist.
Requisition Approval Process (line) is not in RQ_LN_APPRVL for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This approval process code does not exist.
Warehouse (non-blank) is not in WHSE for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This warehouse does not exist.
Preferred Vendor - Vendor (if non-blank) is not in VEND for user’s COMPANY_ID. E This vendor does not exist.
Preferred Vendor is on PO Hold Status (VEND.S_VEND_PO_CNTL_CD = H) E Vendor is on hold status.
Preferred Vendor is a Payroll vendor. (VEND.PR_VEND_FL = Y) E A payroll vendor cannot be used in requisitions.
Procurement Type (if non-blank) is not in PROCURE_TYPE. E This procurement type does not exist.
Suggested Blanket PO Is not in PO_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID. E This blanket purchase order does not exist.
Suggested Blanket PO is in PO_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, but S_PO_TYPE is not equal to ‘B’. E This purchase order exists but is not a blanket order.
Suggested Blanket PO  is in PO_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, but S_PO_STATUS_TYPE = C or V. E This blanket purchase order is either closed or void.
Planner does not exist (not null) in PLANNER with user’s COMPANY_ID, or exists but with PLANNER. ACTIVE_FL = N. E This planner does not exist or is inactive.
Buyer (requisition line) is not in BUYER with user’s COMPANY_ID. E This requisition line buyer does not exist.
BOM Configuration - Does not exist in BOM_CONFIG table E This BOM configuration does not exist.
Manufacturer - Does not exist in MANUF. E This manufacturer does not exist.
Industry Classification - Does not exist in IND_CLASS table. E This industry classification code does not exist.
Order Ref Type – Not S, N, or M. E The order reference type code can only be set to  "S" (Sales Order), "M" (Manufacturer), or "N" (None).
Order Reference Type = 'S' and the entered Order Reference ID does not exist  as a sales order (SO_HDR.SO_ID != ‘Order Reference ID’).

Order Reference Type = 'M' and the entered Order Reference ID does not exist  as a manufacture order (MO_HDR.MO_ID != ‘Order Reference ID’).

E The following does not exist: Order Reference
The Preferred Quote entered has a transaction currency that is different from that entered in the requisition header. E Transaction currency of preferred is different from that of the requisition.
Inv Purchase - No way to convert to Inv U/M.  This error message is executed for part with invt abbrev cd when  a) given part (part key) and entered "Req U/M" doesn’t exist in ITEM_UM table as Inventory u/m, and b) conversion formula doesn’t exist in ITEM_UM_CONV table to convert from the entered Req U/M to the part's inventory U/M and c) conversion formula doesn’t exist in UM_CONV table to convert from the entered Req U/M to the part's inventory U/M. E Message: No unit of measure conversion exists from the entered U/M to the part inventory U/M.
Qty = 0, Line Type is Part or Good E Requested Qty must be greater than zero if the line type is a part or good.
Inv Abbrev non-blank and Line Type not = P E Inventory abbreviations can only be assigned to line type of "P" (Part).
Inv Abbrev is entered and Part is non-inventory part E Inventory abbreviations cannot be assigned to non-inventory parts.
Preferred Vendor – Part entered, item settings prevents purchase of part when vendor is not approved for this part (ITEM_SETTINGS. VEND_NOT_PREF_FL = Y), and Preferred Vendor is not Approved for the part (ITEM_VEND.PREF_VENDOR_CD = N) E This vendor is not approved for this part.
Preferred Vendor – Part entered, item settings prevents purchase of part when vendor is not assigned to this part (ITEM_SETTINGS. VEND_NOT_APPRVD_FL = Y), and row does not exist in ITEM_VEND for matching item and vendor. E This vendor has not been assigned to this part.
Preferred Quote does not exist for this preferred vendor, and RQ_SETTINGS. VALID_QT_FL = Y. W Warning: This vendor/quote combination does not currently exist.
Preferred Quote does not contain requisition line item (and item is not null), and RQ_SETTINGS. VALID_QT_FL = Y. W Warning: This requisition line item does not exist in this quote.
Order Ref Type = S to and Order Ref No/Release/Line does not exist on SO_LN table.

Or Order Ref Type=M to and Order Ref

No/Release/Line does not exist on MO_ROUTING table

E This Sales Order Line number referenced in the order reference columns does not exist.

This Ref ID/Order Ref Rlse No/Order Ref Line No combination does not exist.

RQ_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_CD is not in VEND_LIMIT_CRNCY table and VEND.LIMIT_TRN_CRNCY_FL=Y, even if Transaction currency is equal to Functional currency. E The transaction currency code selected is not valid for this vendor
Req Settings Approvals is by Proj/Acct/Org; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the project or acct/org on the corresponding line (approvals by line). E The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Project or Acct/Org on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Proj/Acct/Org.
Req Settings Approvals is by Item Type; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the item type on the corresponding line (approvals by line). E The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Item Type on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Item Type.
RQ_LN Inventory Abbreviation is not null and INVT_ABBRV_CD. S_ACTIVE_CD = N or O E The inventory abbreviation for this requisition line is not active.
None of the Projects or Acct/Org for that requisition line account have Approval Processes set up for them.  Approval Process Assignment is by PAO. E None of the projects or account/orgs on this line have approval process codes assigned to them.  An approval process code is required to add this requisition.
Approval level = line, Approval Process Assignment is Manual and Line Approval Process is blank. E Line approval process is required when approvals are by requisition line and approval process assignment is Manual.
If requisition line has an inventory abbreviation, MRP_SETTINGS_CORP. WHSE_PLN_FL = Y, and input file does not have a  warehouse and no default can be loaded. E Warehouse is required for inventory items.
RQ_LN.TAXABLE_FL = Y, but RQ_LN.SHIP_ID is blank. E Ship ID is required if Req line is taxable.
Req Line Type = P or G, Ship ID is blank. E Ship ID is required if Req line type is a part or good.
QC Reqd flag not Y or N E QC Reqd flag must be Y or N
Source Inspection Reqd flag not Y or N E Source Inspection Reqd flag must be Y or N
Cert of  Conf flag not Y or N E Cert of  Conf flag must be Y or N
Overship flag not Y or N E Overship flag not Y or N
If ITEM_SETTINGS. RECPT_TOL_FL = N, or if RQ_LN.OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL = N, and Receipt Tolerance value is > 0% E Receipt Tolerance must be 0% if receipt tolerances are not used in item settings, or if requisition line does not allow overshipment.
Requisition/Req Ln combination already exists in RQ_LN with GENERATED_QTY > 0, input file (or staging table) has a different Item/Rev on that same Req Ln.  Overwrite Existing option is selected. E Cannot change item/Rev if req line has already been generated.
Line status entered is not P, I, or V E Line status entered must be "P" (Pending), "I" (In approval), or "V" (Void).
Line Status entered is P, I, or V, and line already exists with RQ_LN.GENERATED_QTY > 0. Overwrite Existing option is selected. E Cannot change the requisition Line Status if purchase orders have been generated.
Line Status entered is P, I, or V, and line already exists with RQ_LN. S_RQ_STATUS_CD = C or V.  Overwrite Existing option is selected. E Cannot change the requisition Line Status if it is already Closed or Void.
Line status entered is P or I,  RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD is not = N, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R E Since approvals are required at the requisition level, the only valid entry is "V" (Void).
Approvals are required at the line level (RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = L, S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD is not N), but system was not able to derive an approval process code. E Approvals are required, but the process was not able to assign an approval process code to the requisition line.
RQ_ID/RQ/LN combination already exists in Costpoint database with RQ_LN_S_RQ_STATUS_CD not C or G, Do Not Overwrite option is selected. E Requisition/Requisition Line combination already exists.  
Receipt Tolerance Percent <0 or >100 E Receipt Tolerance must be 0 – 100%
RQ_ID/RQ/LN combination already exists in Costpoint database with RQ_LN_S_RQ_STATUS_CD not C or G, Overwrite Existing option is selected. W Warning: Requisition/Requisition Line combination already exists.  Processing will delete the original and add the new row, as per the option selected for processing duplicates.
Line status entered is "I", RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = N, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R). W Warning: Requisition status will be "A" (Approved) since approvals are not required.
Line status entered is "I", RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = N, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = L). W Warning: Line status will be "A" (Approved) since approvals are not required.
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = S W Warning: This Item/Rev has a status of Phase-Out.
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = O W Warning: This Item/Rev has a status of Obsolete.
Req Line PART. MAX_LOT_SIZE_QTY > 0 and Order Qty (In Inv U/M) > MAX_LOT_SIZE_QTY     W Warning: Order quantity exceeds lot size quantity for the part.
Requested Date < System Date W Warning: The requested date is past.
Input file (or staging table) has Inv Abbrev for a requisition line that already has more than one Req_Ln_Acct row associated with it. W Warning: Multiple account rows already exist for this requisition line.  This update will delete those rows and apply the project/acct/org associated with the new inv abbreviation.
Preferred Vendor is on PO Warning Status (VEND.S_VEND_PO_CNTL_CD = W) W Warning: Vendor is on warning status.
Preferred Quote (if non-blank) is not in QT_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID. W Warning: This quote does not exist in the database.
Preferred Quote exists in QT_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, but EXPIRE_DT < System Date W Warning: This quote has expired.
Preferred Quote exists in QT_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, and Req line Qty < QT_LN.MIN_QTY. W Warning: The requisition line quantity is less than the minimum quantity on the preferred quote line.
Target Place Date (line) < System Date W Warning: The target place date for the requisition line is already past.
UM IS NOT ONE OF THREE UM FOR THAT ITEM/(REV).  That is, given part (part key) and entered "Req U/M" doesn’t exist In ITEM_UM table (line validation). W Warning: This Unit of Measure is different from the Inventory, Order or Selling U/M defaults set up for this item.
Manufacturer Part not blank, but is not referenced in any ALT_PART row (for user’s COMPANY_ID), for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N), ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_LIST_FL = Y. W Warning: this manufacturer's part number is not on the alternate part list.
Manufacturer Part not blank, and row exists in ALT_PART (for user’s COMPANY_ID) with that manufacturer part for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N). But PREF_FL = N and ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_APPRVD_FL = Y. W Warning: this manufacturer's part number is not preferred for this system part number.
Vendor Part not blank, but is not referenced in any ALT_PART row (for user’s COMPANY_ID), for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N), ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_LIST_FL = Y. W Warning: this vendor's part number is not on the alternate part list.
Vendor Part not blank, and row exists in ALT_PART (for user’s COMPANY_ID) with that vendor part for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N). But PREF_FL = N and ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_APPRVD_FL = Y. W Warning: this vendor's part number is not preferred for this system part number.
Buyer Line Limit Exceeded… IF BUYER IS NON-BLANK AND IF RQ LINE TOTAL AMOUNT IS GREATER THAN BUYER'S PO_LN_AUTH_LVL_AMT W Warning: the total estimated amount for this requisition exceeds this buyer’s authorization limit.
Buyer cannot do Release… IF SUGGESTED BLANKET PO IS NON BLANK AND BUYER IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO DO RELEASE (RLSE_AUTH_FL = N) W Warning: the suggested buyer cannot create blanket purchase order releases.
Est Cost would exceed PO Blanket Balance… IF SUGG BLANKET PO IS NON-BLANK, AND REQ LINE TOTAL + PO TOT_RLSD_AMT EXCEEDS BLANKET_BAL_AMT W Warning: the estimated amount of all requisition lines associated with the suggested blanket purchase order would cause the blanket balance amount to be exceeded.
Item not on Suggested Blanket… IF SUGGESTED BLANKET PO IS NON BLANK AND REQ LINE ITEM IS NOT ON ANY BLANKET LINE ITEMS W Warning: the requisition line item is not in the suggested blanket order.
Blanket Period of Performance… If Suggested Blanket PO is non-blank – Requisition Line Requested Date is less than the Blanket PO line’s Period of Perf Start date or greater than Period of Perf End Date (if not zero). W Warning: the requested date is outside of blanket PO's period of performance dates.
Approval Process outside amount limit, approvals at the req line level.

Approval process has no approval title that meet the Req Amt and amount is BELOW the MIN amt that is required for the selected approval process/title code.

W Warning: Selected Approval Process has no approval titles with the minimum or maximum amount limit meeting the requisition line total amount. The req line status was set to Approved.
Approval Process outside amount limit, approvals at the req line level.

Approval process has no approval title that meet the Req line Amt and line amount is ABOVE the MAX amt that is required for the selected approval process/title code.

E This requisition line's estimated  amount does not fit any approval title's min/max limits for the selected approval process code.
Preferred Vendor on requisition line is different from PO_HDR.VEND_ID associated with the requisition line Suggested Blanket PO. W Warning: This preferred vendor does not match that in the suggested blanket PO.
Quantity > 0, and value exists in Est Ext Cost Amt (Trans) in the input file/staging tables. W Warning: If the quantity is greater than zero, the value of the Est Ext Cost Amt will be calculated based on Est Unit Cost, and not loaded from the input file/staging table.
Date fields are not in YYYY-MM-DD format. E Invalid date format.
The Security Clearance System ID is invalid. E The Security Clearance System ID is invalid.

Line Account

Condition Message Type (Error/Warning) Message
Line Account input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition line. E This line account must be associated with a requisition line.
More than one line account row exists in the input file (or staging table) with same RQ_ID/RQ_LN/ACCT_LN combination. E Account line numbers should be unique for a given requisition/ requisition line combination.
Account is not in ACCT, or row exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. E This account does not exist or is inactive.
Organization is not in ORG for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. E This organization does not exist or is inactive.
Org Abbrev is not in ORG for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N E This organization abbreviation does not exist, or organization is inactive.
Invalid Org/Org Abbrev combination. E There is inconsistent data between org and org abbreviation entered.
Account/Org not provided, Inv Abbrev is blank for requisition line. E Account/Org is required if inv abbreviation has not been entered on the requisition line.
Project is not in PROJ for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. E This project does not exist or is inactive.
Project Abbrev is not in PROJ for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. E This project abbreviation does not exist, or project is inactive.
Change PAO w/Inv Abbrev - If Req line has inv abbrev, user manually change any column on account subtask. E Project/Account/Organization combination is inconsistent with that of the entered inventory abbreviation.
Acct/Org combination does not exist in ORG_ACCT, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. E This account/org combination either does not exist or is inactive.
Account requires Project (ACCT.PROJ_REQD_FL = Y,  but Project Blank E This account requires a project.
Ref 1 does not exist in REF_STRUC E This reference number does not exist.
Ref 1 - Inactive - not used for data entry (REF_STRUC.REF_DATA_ENTRY_FL = N). E This reference number may not be used in data entry.
Ref 2 does not exist in REF_STRUC E This reference number does not exist.
Ref 2 - Inactive - not used for data entry (REF_STRUC.REF_DATA_ENTRY_FL = N). E This reference number may not be used in data entry.
Allocation percent =<0 PCT>100 E Allocation must be 0 – 100%
Amount - Negative Number or Zero E Allocation amount must be greater than zero.
Allocation Pct Sum of all rows is not 100% E The total of all allocation rows percentage values must equal to 100%.
Allocated Amt Sum does not = Req Line Total Amount E The sum amount of all allocation rows must equal the Requisition Line Total Amount.
Req line has inv abbrev, input file has line account row, but P/A/O combination does not match that associated with the inv abbrev. E Project/Account/Organization combination is inconsistent with that of the entered inventory abbreviation on the associated requisition line.
Req line has inv abbrev, input file has more than one line account row associated with that req line. E If the associated requisition line has an inv abbrev, there can only be one line account row associated with it.



W Warning: This buyer is not authorized for this project.
BUYER_ORG_ACCT row does not exist for specified BUYER_ID.




W Warning: This buyer is not authorized for this organization/account.
Requisition Line Requested Date is less than the project’s Period of Perf Start date or greater than Period of Perf End Date. W Warning: the requested date is outside of project’s period of performance dates.
Request date outside of Acct/Org charging range –  FY_CD_FR/PD_NO_FR and FY_CD_TO/PD_NO_TO. W Warning: The requested date is not within the account/org period of performance dates.

Line Charges

Condition Message Type (Error/Warning) Message
Line Charges input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition line. E This line charge must be associated with a requisition line.
More than one line charge row exists in the input file (or staging table) with same RQ_ID/RQ_LN/CHG_LN combination. E Charge line numbers should be unique for a given requisition/ requisition line combination.
Line Charge does not exist in LN_CHG_TYPE E This line charge type does not exist.
Line Charge Amount <= 0 E The line charge amount must be greater than zero.
Line Charge Taxable = "Y" but no SHIP ID on Req line. E Ship ID on requisition line is required for taxable line charges.
Line charge type already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. E Charge Code cannot be used more than once for the same requisition/ requisition line combination.
Taxable flag not Y or N E ‘Taxable’ must be Y or N.

Line Text

Condition Message Type


Line Text input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition line. E This line text must be associated with a requisition line.
Line Text Sequence Number < 0. E Line text sequence number must be greater than or equal to zero.
Line Text Code is not in STD_TEXT. E This line text code does not exist.
Line Text STD_TEXT.TEXT_CD does not have TEXT_WHERE_USED.S_HOW_USED_CD = R or P E This line standard text code is not eligible for use in requisitions.
Line Text already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. E Line Text cannot be used more than once for the same requisition/ requisition line combination.
Line Text Sequence Number already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. E Line Text sequence number cannot be used more than once for the same requisition/requisition line combination.

Header Text

Condition Message Type (Error/Warning) Message
Header Text input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition header. E This header text must be associated with a requisition header.
Header Text Sequence Number < 0. E Header text sequence number must be greater than or equal to zero.
Header Text Code is not in STD_TEXT. E This header text code does not exist.
Header Text STD_TEXT.TEXT_CD does not have TEXT_WHERE_USED.S_HOW_USED_CD = R or P. E This header standard text code is not eligible for use in requisitions.
Header Text already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID. E Header Text cannot be used more than once for the same requisition.
Header Text Sequence Number already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID. E Header Text sequence number cannot be used more than once for the same requisition.

Requisition Line Security Clearance Validation

Condition Message Type


Security Clearance System ID does not exist in the Security Clearance Settings E The Security Clearance System ID is invalid.

Requisition Line SCI/SAP Security Codes Validation

Error Warning Message Error/Warning Condition, Resolution
The security code is invalid. SCI/SAP Clearance Code does not exist in SCI/SAP Security Clearance.

Requisition Line Resources

Error Warning Message Error/Warning Condition, Resolution
The PLC is invalid. PLC does not exist in PROJ_LAB_CAT for login user’s company
The GLC is invalid. GLC does not exist in GENL_LAB_CAT for login user’s company
The State or Province is invalid. Does not exist in MAIL_STATE
The Postal Code is invalid. Does not exist in POSTAL_CD
The Country Code is invalid. Does not exist in COUNTRY
The Vendor Employee is invalid. Does not exist in VEND_EMPL for login user’s company & PO Vendor
Standard message. Entered line number contains alphanumeric characters
Line must be greater than zero. Entered line number <= 0
Standard message Entered line number exceeds number allowed
Negative numbers are not allowed for No. of Resources. Entered no. of resources < 0
Negative numbers are not allowed for Total Hours. Entered total hours < 0
Negative numbers are not allowed for Hourly Rate. Entered hourly rate < 0
This Service ID/Rev combination is invalid. Service ID/Rev (Item ID/Rev) combination entered/selected does not exist in ITEM table with Item Type = Service (ITEM.S_ITEM_TYPE = S), where Separate Items By Company is unchecked in Configure Product Definitions Settings (ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = 'N') or exist for the logged in company id (ITEM.COMPANY_ID = ‘logged in company ID’).
This Service ID/Rev combination is not active. Service ID/Rev (Item ID/Rev) combination entered/selected exists in ITEM table with Item Type = Service (ITEM.S_ITEM_TYPE = S), where Separate Items By Company is unchecked in Configure Product Definitions Settings (ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = 'N') or exist for the logged in company id (ITEM.COMPANY_ID = ‘logged in company ID’) and Item entered/selected is inactive (ITEM. ACTIVE_FL = 'N').

[Note - applies to New line only.]

Requisition Line SOW Validations

Error Warning Message Error/Warning Condition, Resolution
The SOW ID/Rev combination is invalid. SOW ID/Rev combination does not exist in SOW table for the login user’s company.
The SOW ID/Rev combination is inactive. SOW ID/Rev combination exists for the login user’s company, but is inactive in SOW table.

[Note - applies to New line only.]  

The same SOW ID cannot be used multiple times for the same PO line, regardless of revision. SOW ID already exists on another row for the same PO/Rlse/PO line.