Top Level Subtask

This table displays summary information for top-level direct projects by element (for example, labor, materials, subcontractor, and so forth) for top level direct projects.

The columns that display depends on the type of report selected.

Column Headings Description
Project ID This column displays the Proj ID numbers that you are allowed to see based on your security org ID.
Title This column displays the project title.
Version This column displays the version of the proposal.
Start This column displays the project start date.
End This column displays the project end date.
Manager The name displayed in this column derives from the Project Manager field in the Contract Master.
Owner This column displays the name of the owner coming from Costpoint.
Revenue This column displays the revenue amount.
Profit This column displays the profit amount.
Total budget This column displays the total budget.
Funded This column displays the funded amount.
Remaining This column displays the amount remaining.
ITD Cost This column displays cost variance information from the date the project started to the current date.
Committed The numbers in this column reflect unposted labor and the unfulfilled amounts from open purchase orders.
Labor This column displays labor cost category and associated amounts.
Mtls This column displays material cost category and associated amounts.
Sbks This column displays subcontractor cost category and associated amounts.
Trvl This column displays trave cost category and associated amounts.
Cnslt This column displays consultant hours category and associated amounts.
ODCOth This column displays other cost category and associated amounts.
MHOth This column displays other material handling cost category and associated amounts.