Contents of the Update Job Status Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Update Job Status screen.

Job Queues

This table window displays all available job queues used by Costpoint. When you select a job queue in this table window, all job servers attached to that job queue displays in the Attached Servers table window.

Field Description
Job Queue

This field displays the identification code for this job queue.

Process Sequentially

This field displays Y > if this job queue processes jobs sequentially. Otherwise, this field displays > N > .

Attached Servers

This table window displays all job servers attached to the selected job queue in the Job Queues > table window.

Field Description

This field displays the name of this job server (which is a predetermined installation name assigned to the BEA WebLogic server).

Queue Active

This field displays Y > if this job server is active. Otherwise, this field displays > N > .

Scheduled Jobs

Use this table window to view and modify the details of scheduled jobs.

Field Description

This field displays the job ID of each job that has been submitted to the queue.


This field displays the description of the job ID in the Job field. Job descriptions are set up in the Manage Jobs screen.


This field displays the current status of the job. They are as follows:

  • Scheduled: The job is executed as soon as it reaches the top of the entry list, and a server is available.
  • Hold: The job is not executed until you change the status to Scheduled.
  • Executing: The job server is currently processing this job. You cannot change the status in this circumstance.
  • Aborted: The job was submitted but was not executed successfully. You cannot change the status of an Aborted job, but you can delete the entry.
  • Queued: The job was submitted and is currently queued for processing.
  • Suspended: The job was submitted but is currently suspended to be processed at a future date and time.
  • Canceling: The job was submitted and processed and is currently being cancelled by Costpoint.

You can change the status of a job by selecting one of the options from this drop-down list box.

To execute a job, select Scheduled from this field and enter the scheduled date and time in the Start Date and Start Time fields, respectively.

If you change the status from Scheduled to Hold, Costpoint automatically clears the data in the Start Date and Start Time fields after you save this job queue.

If you change the status from Hold to Scheduled and you have not entered a start date or time, Costpoint automatically enters the current date and time in the Start Date and Start Time fields you save this job queue.

Note: Costpoint automatically changes the job status to Aborted if the application fails as a result of server failure. Any jobs with a status of Executing will be set to Aborted when a server is brought up after failure.
Start Date

Use this field to enter, or click calendar.gif to select, the scheduled date on which to execute this job on the job server.

If you selected Start Time/Date from the Execution Option field in the Submit Job to Queue screen, Costpoint automatically displays that date in this field. You can edit this default data.

If you enter data in the Start Time field, entry in this field is required.

Start Time

Use this field to enter the scheduled time at which to execute this job on the job server. Use the standard hh:mm:ss AM/PM format, where: hh = hour, mm = minute, and ss = second.

If you selected Start Time/Date from the Execution Option field in the Submit Job to Queue screen, Costpoint automatically displays that time in this field. You can edit this default data.  

If you enter data in the Start Date field, entry in this field is required.


This field displays the default priority level for this job. The priority level can be any number from 1 (highest) to 99 (lowest). The job server determines which jobs to process first based on this priority level.

Recur Every

If this is to be a recurring job, use this field to enter the number of hours, days, weeks, or months to on which this job must recur after it has been initially executed on the job server.

If you enter data the Recurring Timeframe field, entry in this field is required.

Recurring Timeframe

Use this drop-down list box to select the frequency of recurrence (Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months) for this job.

If you enter data in the Recur Every field, entry in this field is required.

End Date

Use this field to enter, or click calendar.gif to select, the date on which this recurring job should end. This field is only available for recurring jobs.

If you enter data in the End Time field, entry in this field is required.

End Time

Use this field to enter the scheduled time at which to end the recurring job on the job server. Use the standard hh:mm:ss AM/PM format, where hh = hour, mm = minute, and ss = second. This field is only available for recurring jobs.

If you enter data in the End Date field, entry in this field is required.

Submitting User

This field displays the ID code of the user who submitted the job to the queue.

Submitted Date/Time

This field displays the date and time that the job was submitted to the queue.

Cancel Job

Click this button to cancel the selected job in the table window.


Subtask Description
Scheduled Job Steps Click this link to open the Scheduled Job Steps subtask and view the status of all operations that are scheduled within the selected job.