Combine Requisitions Subtask

Use this subtask to combine requisitions assigned to the same supplier/vendor and buyer.


When combining multiple requisition into one, the RFQ should have a status of Approved and the attributes be of the same:
  • Item
  • Revision
  • Miscellaneous type
  • Commodity code
  • Inventory abbreviation
  • Taxability
  • Ship ID
  • Warehouse
  • US Citizenship Required
  • ITAR Authorization Required
  • Security Clearance (all)
  • Buyer
  • Unit cost
  • Currency
  • Required unit of measure (U/M)

When you select the Check All 'Include in RFQ' and Check All 'Consolidate by Part/Rev' buttons, then the system will also insert record in the RFQ line Delivery Schedule subtask, if the requisition/requisition line(s) have associated delivery schedule(s). Costpoint combines and groups requisition lines (and its delivery schedule if there is any) by the date. If a consolidated requisition line (without delivery schedule) is combine with a requisition line with delivery schedule (different dates), then a delivery schedule row will be created for that line too.

Field Description
Request for Quote ID This field displays value from the header.
Combine w/ Other Requisitions

Select this check box to allow this requisition to be combined with other requisitions for which this request for quote (RFQ) is being generated. If a requisition has multiple requisition lines and you selected one record, this field will be selected for all requisition lines with the same requisition upon save.

This check box also affects the same check box in Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions.

Include in RFQ Select this check box to allow the requisition line to be automatically included when creating an RFQ.
Consolidate by Part/Rev Select this check box to consolidate requisition lines with similar part/rev into a single RFQ line and combine the quantities.
Requisition This field displays the requisition ID.
Req Line This field displays the requisition line number.
Item This field displays the item number for the requisition.
Rev This field displays the revision number of the requisitioned item.
Misc Type This field displays the miscellaneous type.
Description This field displays the description for the requisition.
Required Quantity This field displays the required quantity for the item.
Req U/M This field displays the unit of measure for this requisition line.
Delivery Schedule Exists This check box indicates that a delivery schedule exists for the requisition.
Requested Date This field displays the requested date for the requisition.
Subcontract ID This field displays the subcontract associated with the requisition.
Subcontractor Agreement This field indicates that the quote is for creating subcontractor agreements.
Target Place Date This field displays the target place date for the requisition.
Check All 'Include in RFQ' Click this button to check the 'Include in RFQ' check boxes for all records.
Check All 'Consolidate by Part/Rev' Click this button to check the 'Consolidate by Part/Rev' check boxes for all records.
Autoload Click this button to load requisitions/requisition line details.
Sync from RFQ Line Click this button to update the Combine Requisitions subtask with the changes made from the RFQ line CTW.
Subtask Definition
Delivery Schedule Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask to display the delivery schedule.