System Variable 959: Create New Purchase Order: Get Recipient Addresses and Attention Person by Using This Method
Use this System Variable to determine how the recipient and attention person are selected for newly created Purchase Orders.
You can select one of the following options for this setting:
- 1 - Use customer address and job contact as attention person: The customer address can be found in and the job contact can be found in .
- 2 - Use job company address, attention person current user: The company address can be found in and the current user is the user who is currently logged in.
- 3 - Use job company address, leave attention person blank: The company address can be found in .
- 4 - Use job department address, attention person current user: The department address can be found in and the current user is the user who is currently logged in.
- 5 - Use job department address, leave attention person blank: The department address can be found in .
- 6 - Leave fields blank
The default value for this System Variable is 1 - Use customer address and job contact as attention person.
It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.
Parent Topic: System Variable Grouping: Purchase Orders