Import Settings Dialog Box

Use the Import Settings dialog box to import the settings and company variables into a system.


Field Description
Export Key Use this field to paste the export key of the file that you want to import.

For instructions, see Copy an Export Key.

Validation Messages

This table displays the validation messages displayed in the Import Settings dialog box.
Message Description
Key length This message indicates that the export key meets the required number of characters.
Key sent to the remote server This message indicates that the key was sent to the server.
Settings downloaded This message indicates that the settings were retrieved from the server.
Export Name This message indicates the export file name.
Exported by This message indicates the name of the person who exported the file.
Exported on This message indicates the date when the export file was created.
Exported from This message indicates the URL or location of the system from which the file was exported.
WorkBook version compatibility This message indicates whether the exporting system and the importing system match.

WorkBook displays a warning icon if the two systems are not identical.

Note: You can still perform the import even if the versions of the source and receiving systems do not match. However, WorkBook recommends that you refer to the Release Notes for the versions that are in between to see if any of the system variables have changed their functionality or behavior.
Preview available This message indicates that a preview of the settings to be imported is available.
Important: When importing company variables, the source system's company initials must have matching company initials in the receiving system. Otherwise, the company variables of the source system will not be imported.
Number of Settings confirmed for import This message indicates the total number of settings to be imported.
Estimate This message displays the estimated import duration in minutes.
Ready to import This message indicates that the settings are ready for import.
Beginning to import variables This message indicates that the import process has started.
Note: WorkBook displays the import status of each variable.

If one or more settings fail to be imported, WorkBook displays a warning but the import will still continue. WorkBook recommends manually changing the failed settings when the import process is complete.

System/Company Variables Import Complete This message indicates that the import is complete.
No System/Company Variables to Import This message indicates that there were no system or company variables that were imported.

Import Settings Screen

This table displays the columns and descriptions on the Import Settings screen within the Import Settings dialog box.
Column Description
Include This column displays which settings are included in the import. By default, the check box that corresponds to the setting to be imported is selected. You can clear a setting check box if you want to exclude it.

Any selected row with the same Current Value and New Value is automatically discarded.

ID This column displays the variable ID.
Name This column displays the variable name.
Description This column displays the variable description.
Current Value This column displays the current value of the variable. This value will be overwritten with the New Value.
New Value This column displays the new value of the variable. This value will replace the Current Value.
Import Settings Screen Toolbar
You can perform the following toolbar actions on the Import Settings Screen.
Action Description
Search Use this field to enter the file name or part of the file name of the setting that you want to find.
Show different only Select this check box to display only the different values between the Current Value and New Value.

System Variables Exception List

This section lists all the system variables that are excluded from the export/import. You will have to manually update these settings.
System Variable ID System Variable Name System Variable Description Reason for Exception
772 ConversationsAutomaticallyFollowupNotificationSenderResourceId This user is used as the sender of notifications that are created by the system. Id - Specific System
800 WarningNoticationResourceList This setting lets you define the list of resource IDs for warning messages.

Separate IDs with a semicolon ( ; ).

Id - Specific System
938 JobCreateNewNotificationToResources Input users by their initials. Separate with a semicolon ( ; ). Id - Specific System
1130 MASIntegrationUserId This setting specifies the user that is used for integration to MAS (is allowed to call the API requests). Id - Specific System
1153 DebtorCreditorCreateNotification This setting enables adding notification upon debtor/creditor creation. Id - Specific System
1161 SystemSettingChangeNotificationToEmployees This setting creates a notification if a system setting changes. Insert initials, separated by a semicolon ( ; ).

Administrators and company responsible always gets the notification.

Id - Specific System
295 ExchangeDefaultJob When the calendar synchronization is active, WorkBook will import calendar entries and add these as tasks to the job you assign in this variable. Id - Specific System
723 RichTextStorageProviderId Select the storage provider to use when saving rich text files. Id - Specific System
736 ETransferStorageProviderId This setting determines the storage provider to use when saving an e-transfer file. Id - Specific System
747 StorageProviderTemp This setting lets you set the temporary storage provider. Id - Specific System
752 ConversationCommentAttachmentStorageProviderId This setting determines what storage provider to use when uploading files to conversations. Id - Specific System
815 SupportTicketStatusWhenAuthorReply This setting lets you set a new ticket status when the author replies. Id - Specific System
816 SupportTicketStatusWhenSupporterReply This setting lets you set a new ticket status when the ticket responsible replies. Id - Specific System
817 SupportTicketStatusWhenCreated This setting lets you set a new ticket status when a ticket is created and does not have a ticket responsible assigned. Id - Specific System
818 SupportTicketStatusWhenClosed This setting lets you set a new ticket status when a ticket is closed. It also works as actual Done status. Id - Specific System
827 SupportTicketStatusWhenCreatedHasResponsible This setting lets you set a new ticket status when a ticket is created and has a user set as ticket responsible. Id - Specific System
830 SupportTicketStatusWhenReOpen This setting lets you set the default status for reopened tickets. Id - Specific System
887 TaskResProgressStatusIsStartedValue This setting is used to automatically set or suggest a new user progress task status when the user start the timer on a task. Id - Specific System
980 WhiteboardFileStorageProviderId This setting lets you select what storage provider to use when adding files to the Whiteboard. Id - Specific System
984 ReceiptFileStorageProviderId This setting lets you define the storage provider for files saved in Receipt File folder. Id - Specific System
992 ReportAttachmentsStorageProvider This setting determines the storage provider to store report attachment documents. Id - Specific System
1017 StoredFileStorageProviderId This setting lets you specify the Stored File Storage Provider. Stored File is a common storage area for files associated with items in WorkBook. Id - Specific System
1105 PipelineTimeregistrationJob Input the job number to receive time entries made against pipelines. Id - Specific System
1113 InternalStorageProviderId Internal Storage is a common location for file stored based on reference type and reference ID, this is typically small storage areas for Fixed Assets, Finance accounts, and so on. Id - Specific System
289 AgentAfsendelseEmail This email will be used as "From" email when sending mails in the system. Sensitive Information
352 SupportFtpPassword This setting lets you set the FTP password. Sensitive Information
574 MsExchSyncPW This setting refers to the Calendar synchronization (SuperUser) password (encrypted). Sensitive Information
644 SMTPPassword This setting relates to the SMTP password.

Leave blank if it is not required.

Sensitive Information
937 GoogleCalendarAPIClientSecret For more information, go to Google Calendar Synchronization Setup. Sensitive Information
974 GoogleAdWordsAPIClientSecret This setting relates to Google AdWords API Client Secret Sensitive Information
976 BingAdsApplicationClientSecret This setting relates to Bing Ads API Client Secret to be used for OAuth authentication. Sensitive Information
1002 SAMLConfiguration This is the configuration for the WorkBook SAML Service Provider. Sensitive Information
1004 SAMLServiceProviderCertificate This is the certificate that the ServiceProvider (WorkBook) should use. It can either be formatted as plain text or base64. Sensitive Information
1005 SAMLServiceProviderCertificatePassword This is the password for the certificate that the ServiceProvider (WorkBook) should use. Sensitive Information
1006 SAMLIdentityProviderCertificate The public certificate of the Identity Provider that connects to WorkBook. It can either be formatted as plain text or base64. Sensitive Information
1023 GithubHookSecret This is the secret key used when integrating into Github Hooks. For more information, see Github: Create a Hook. Sensitive Information
1143 GoogleAPIKey This setting relates to the Google API Key. Sensitive Information
1182 AzureCalendarClientId This is the client ID to be used for Microsoft Office 365 using Azure. Sensitive Information
1183 AzureCalendarClientSecret This is the client secret to be used for Microsoft Office 365 using Azure. Sensitive Information
936 GoogleCalendarAPIClientId For more information, go to Google Calendar Synchronization Setup. Sensitive Information
975 BingAdsApplicationClientId This setting relates to Bing Ads API Client Id to be used for OAuth authentication. Sensitive Information
981 DistanceMatrixAPIClientId For more information, go to Google Calendar Synchronization Setup. Sensitive Information
757 TaskCompletionAllowedApprovelLevel This setting controls whether to allow any user to approve task completion without being directly the task approver.
Important: When enabled, this setting causes all tasks in all companies for task completion approval to be approved.
Should be performed manually - can have consequences or performance impact
1167 Force2FAOnEmployees This setting will force the employee to setup two-factor authentication (2FA) upon logging in. Should be performed manually - can have consequences or performance impact
262 SmtpServerName Set the SMTP server name or IP number to allow WorkBook users to send emails. Specific System Related
282 ProduktionDataBase This setting refers to the SQL Server database name. Specific System Related
299 ServerDbFilesPath This setting refers to the SQL Server database files path (.ldf and .mdf files). Specific System Related
488 FTPURL This is the URL for the FTP server. Specific System Related
651 SilverlightURL This setting lets you set the Silverlight version URL. Specific System Related
654 SilverlightClientRoot This setting lets you specify the folder on server where WorkBook Silverlight is installed. Specific System Related
845 LDAPServername This refers to the server name to use for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Values can be IP, IP:PORT, DNS, DNS:PORT. Specific System Related
878 CalendarSyncDefaultServer This setting lets you define the Calendar sync default server value. Specific System Related
900 NewConversationCommentNotificationEmailSenderAddress This setting lets you set the notification about a new conversation comment, email sender address.

If this setting is not set, then setting 289 is used.

Specific System Related
811 ConversationPageHtmlUNC This setting relates to the Silverlight/version 8 URL (used for external conversation page). Specific System Related
880 V9WebSiteDirectory This setting lets you specify the folder on the server where version 9 website is located. Specific System Related
911 BasicURL This setting lets you specify the HTML5 version 9 URL redirect. Specific System Related
1060 SAMLErrorResponseRedirect The address that WorkBook should redirect to if SAML Login fails, #ErrorMessage# can be used as a replacement token. Specific System Related
486 FTPDIR This is the FTP program's data location. Specific System Related
487 FTPUNC This is a share to the FTP program's data location. Specific System Related
489 FTPLINK This is the link to FTP server. Specific System Related
703 GenerelUpdateLastRun This setting lets you set the general update last run date. Specific System Related