Price Lists

Use Price Lists under Settings to view the price lists or activity price lists in your company. Price lists define what rate hours are entered on time sheets, price quotes, and invoices, and what profit margins are suggested on purchase orders and vouchers.

You can create and block price lists, enable the access of companies to price lists, add price list data, perform mass update of price lists, enable the active status of price lists, use the price list calculator, and determine the default price lists for selected clients.

To use the Price Lists submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

You can use price lists in Resources > Resource Information > Client Settings > New Job Settings and in Jobs > Settings > Basic Job Settings.

The submodule consists of the following tabs:

  • List: This tab displays the price lists in your company. You can create, duplicate, or block price lists and select which clients or companies have access to specific price lists.
  • Price List Setup: On this tab you can add price list data such as exceptions, rates, and profit margins.
  • Client Default Price List: This tab displays your company's clients and the corresponding price lists used for each. You can identify or update the assigned price list for each client.
  • Activity Access: On this tab you can identify the activities that can be activated for price quotes, schedules, purchase orders, and invoices.