Reviews Grid

The Reviews grid displays all the Reviews in a ConceptShare Project, as well as any relevant information.


Tip: You can click any column header to sort items in ascending or descending order.
Field Description
ID This column displays the Review ID.
Review Chain This column indicates whether a Review is part of a chained Review. Reviews that belong to the same chain will share the same arrow color.

Items in this column are sorted by the Review order in the chain. Individual Reviews (not part of a chain) are sorted alphabetically.

Review Name This column displays the Review name. Clicking this opens the Review in the Proofing Workspace.
Owner This column displays the owner/creator of the Review.
Assets This column displays Asset thumbnails.

The thumbnail also indicates if the Asset is watermarked.

Status This column displays the status of a Review.
Created This column displays the date the Review was created.
Due Date This column displays the date when the Review is due, if specified.

Side Panel

Clicking Toggle Review Details displays the following:

Field Description
Review Details Side Panel This side panel displays instructions, due date, start rule, auto approve rule, tags on completion, Asset thumbnails, and Review participants, if specified.
Note: The information is read-only.
Comments Side Panel This side panel displays the Review comments, as well as the commenter name and comment date. It also displays a thumbnail of the specific area of the Asset that is being commented on. You can perform comment searches via the search bar or double-click any comment to open it in the Proofing Workspace.
Review Chains Side Panel This side panel displays all Reviews that are part of the Review chain, as well the details of each. Details include the Review name, status, start rule, auto approve rule, participants, and Asset thumbnails, if specified. You can perform additional actions such as editing a specific Review in the chain, launching it in the Proofing Workspace, or minimizing its Review card.