Settings Export Tab

Use the Settings Export tab to export system and company variable settings. You can also delete, archive, show or hide, and search for export files.


Note: This information is read-only.
Column Name Description
Id This column displays the reference ID.
Key This column displays the unique reference key associated with the export file, which is used to import the file.
Name This column displays the name of the export file.
Comment This column displays the details or comment about the export file.
Resource This column displays the name and the initials of the user who created the export file.
Version This column displays the version of WorkBook from which the file was extracted.
Domain This column displays the URL or location of the system from which the file was extracted.
Create Date This column displays the date the export file was created.
Expiry Date This column displays the date the export file expires. The value before the date represents the count of calendar days between the file creation date and expiration date.
System Variables This column indicates whether the export file includes system variables. A selected check box indicates that system variables are present in the export file.
Company Variables This column lists the initials of the companies whose variables are present in the export file.
Archived This column indicates whether the export file is tagged as "Archived". A selected check box indicates that the export file is tagged as archived.
Note: This information is available only if the Include Archived Exports check box is selected on the grid toolbar.