Use the Creditor Invoice Approval submodule in the Company Approvals module under Settings to assign approvers based on invoice type. When an invoice reaches status 20 or above, WorkBook automatically assigns it to an approver based on the invoice type.
WorkBook sends a notification to the inbox of the approver you defined in the Credit Invoice Approval submodule when a voucher that falls under that approver's role is ready for approval.
To set up a role-based creditor invoice approver:
On the main module toolbar, click
In the left pane of the Settings screen, click
On the Role approval tab of the Creditor invoice approval grid, click
Add new role
In the Add Role dialog box, select a role from the drop-down list, and click
A row for the new role is added to the grid.
In the grid, select the check box in the
Active column to activate the new role.
Select the priority, the trigger amount for the role, the employee assigned to the role, and the dimension role.
Select the check box in the
Allow move column to enable the role to move vouchers between jobs.
Select the check box in the
Skip if approved by minimum approvers column if the role no longer need to approve vouchers that have already been approved by the minimum number of approvers required by your system.