Report Name
You can change the default report name.
Print Top Clause
By default, the purchasing template determines whether or not a Purchase Order Form includes a top clause.
To include a top clause at the top of each Purchase Order Form regardless of the default settings, select this check box.
Print Bottom Clause
By default, the purchasing template determines whether or not a Purchase Order Form includes a bottom clause.
To include a bottom clause at the bottom of each Purchase Order Form regardless of the default settings, select this check box.
Print Description
By default, the purchasing template determines whether or not a Purchase Order Form includes a purchase order description.
To include a purchase order description on each Purchase Order Form regardless of the default settings, select this check box.
Select Type to Print
Use this option to select the type of purchase orders for which you want to generate forms.
Standard — Standard purchase orders authorize a purchase of one or more individual line items from a single vendor, with a stated quantity, terms of delivery, and purchase price.
Service — Service purchase orders authorize the purchase of services from a single provider, up to a stated amount of money and for a stated period of time. The line items on a service purchase order are hours and rates rather than quantities and prices.
Blanket — Blanket purchase orders authorize as many purchases from a single vendor as necessary, up to a stated amount of money and for a specific period of time. You can create an unlimited number of releases against a blanket purchase order, as long as the total cumulative monetary amount does not exceed the amount specified on the blanket purchase order. A blanket purchase order does not create committed expenses until releases are generated for it.
All — Generate forms for all types of purchase orders.
Purchase Order Version Section
Specify whether you want to print draft purchase orders or change orders or reprint final-printed purchase orders or change orders:
Draft — The word DRAFT prints across the top of each purchase order included in the report.
Final (Mark as Printed) — You cannot final print purchase orders from the Reporting application. To final print purchase orders, you must open a purchase order in
, click
from the Purchase Orders form toolbar, and then select the
Final (Mark as Printed) option on the General tab of the Print Order Form print dialog box.
Reprint — Select this option to reprint final-printed purchase orders or change orders. Final-printed purchase and change orders have a status of Printed. The date on a reprinted purchase order is the date that you final printed the purchase order.
Change Orders Only
Select this check box to generate forms for only those purchase orders for which change orders have been processed.
Change Orders Detail
Select one of the following levels of detail for change order information:
Show Latest Change — Vision includes only the most recent change order processed for each purchase order.
Show History — Vision includes all change orders for each purchase order.
Use this field to limit the purchase orders to those for a specific vendor or set of vendors.
Enter a vendor's name, or click
to display the Vendor lookup dialog box and select one or more vendors.
If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available vendors only includes those for the active company.
Use this field to limit the purchase orders to those for specific buyers.
Enter a buyer's name, or click
to display the Employee lookup dialog box and select one or more employees who are authorized to act as buyers for your firm.
If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available buyers only includes those for the active company.
P.O. Number
Use this field to limit the purchase orders to those you select.
Enter a purchase order number, or click
to display the Purchase Order lookup dialog box and select one or more purchase orders.
If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available purchase orders only includes those for the active company.
Include Closed Purchase Orders
Select this check box to generate Purchase Order Forms for closed purchase orders.
This option is not available if you set the
Version option to
Final (Mark as Printed).
Select Sort
Select one of the following to indicate the order in which you want the forms sorted:
Vendor Number
Vendor Name
Buyer Last Name
Show Country in Address
Select this check box to include the country in the ship-to address and the bill-to address.
Page Break Bottom Clause
Select this option if you want the purchase order's bottom clause to start on a new page.
Override Purchase Order Template
To override the default templates for the forms, select this check box and then select the template you want to use in place of the default templates.
If you do not select this check box, Vision uses the templates assigned to each buyer. If the buyer has no assigned template, Vision uses the template assigned to the vendor. If the vendor has no assigned template, it uses the predefined template that comes with Vision.