Use Reporting Default Terms
If you select this check box, the report uses default billing terms when no labor or expense billing terms are defined for a project. If you have projects that have only fee terms, you can use this option to the see the labor and expense at a billing value.
Vision determines default terms for a project as follows:
If default billing terms exist for the project on the Labor tab and Exp/Con/Unit tab of the Billing Terms form, the report uses those billing terms.
If no default billing terms exist for the project on the Labor tab or Exp/Con/Unit tab of the Billing Terms form, the report uses the global default terms defined in the Reporting Default Terms form ().
Print Project/Phase/Task Info
Select this check box to include the following additional information for each project, phase, and task:
Revenue Type
Project Manager
Client Number
If you select this check box, you also have the option to include job-to-date billed amounts.
Show JTD Billed
Select this check box to include job-to-date billed amounts. This option is only available if you select
Print Project/Phase/Task Info.
Show Final Totals
Select this check box if you want a line at the end of the report that shows totals for the entire report.
Include: Billable transactions
Select this check box to include transactions with a status of
Include: Held transactions
Select this check box to include transactions with a status of
Include: Transactions to be Written off
Select this check box to include transactions with a status of
Write off.
Include: Transactions to be Deleted
Select this check box to include transactions with a status of
Include: Non-billable transactions
Select this check box to include transactions with a status of
Non-billable transactions at billing rates display with a status of
B and no amount.
Non-billable transactions at cost rates display with a status of
B and the transaction amount. Generate the report at cost rates to review the non-billable transactions for a project with their amounts.
Report Cost in
Select the currency type for cost amounts.
Report Basis
Select one of the following:
If you are using the Multicurrency feature and you select
At Billing, Vision disables the
Report Cost in option and automatically uses the billing currency.
Bill thru Date
Specify a cutoff date for transactions to be included in the report.
Select one of the following:
Today's date — The cutoff date is the date that Vision generates the report.
Accounting period end date — The cutoff date is the end date of the current accounting period when Vision generates the report. For example, if Vision generates the report on 5/11/2009, the cutoff date is 5/31/2009, the last day of the accounting period.
Specific date — The cutoff date is the date that you specify in
Bill thru Date on the Options tab of the Options dialog box.
Bill thru Period
Specify a cutoff period for transactions to be included in the report
Select one of the following:
Current — The cutoff period is the current active period when Vision generates the report. For example, if Vision generates the report on 5/11/2009, the cutoff period is 05/2009.
Period — The cutoff period is the period that you specify in
Bill thru Period on the Options tab of the Options dialog box.
If you enter a specific date in
Bill thru Date, the period you specify in
Bill thru Period must be consistent with that date.