Split Imported Credit Card Charges on Expense Reports

You can split an imported credit card charge and apply it as multiple expense items on one or more expense reports.

This applies if you use the Credit Card feature in Vision and you import charges from your credit card statement into Vision. You can split credit card charges on expense report if you need to apply one imported charge to multiple projects, categories, or general ledger accounts. Example: You took a trip to New York to visit with two different clients. You need to split each of the various airfare and hotel expenses between two projects.

To split an imported credit card charge on an expense report, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Time & Expense > Expense Report.
  2. On the Expense Report Selection dialog box, create a new expense report, or open an existing expense report in which you want to split a charge expense.
  3. In the Credit Card pane of the General tab in the Expense Report form, select the Select check box for the charge to add to the expense report that you want to split.
  4. Click the Add to Expense Report button. The charge that you selected in the Credit Card pane prefills in the Expenses grid on Expense Report form.
  5. In the prefilled row in the expenses grid, complete any blank fields such as Category, Project, and Account.
  6. Change the amount in the Amount field as appropriate to apply only part of the imported charge amount to the expense item. After you move out of the Amount field, the credit card charge is added back to the Credit Card pane with the balance of the original amount in the Remaining Amount field in this pane.
  7. In the Credit Card pane, select and add this charge (with the new remaining amount) to the expense report. You can add this imported charge to the same expense report that you applied some of the original amount to, or you can add it to a completely different expense report.
  8. In the prefilled row in the expenses grid, enter the appropriate information for the charge.
  9. Click Save.