Transaction ID
This field displays if you import charges for a primary credit card into Vision and you selected
Transaction ID to be imported the credit card in Credit Card Configuration. For expense report items, this field displays the transaction ID for a charge that is defined by the credit card company on the credit card statement. For AP disbursement items, this field displays the transaction ID that you entered for the AP disbursement in Transaction Entry when you processed the AP disbursement by credit card instead of check.
This field displays the transaction date. If you import charges from a credit card statement for a primary credit card, this field displays the transaction date that is imported into Vision. It should be the same date that is entered for the employee expense report.
If you do not import charges from a credit card statement for a primary credit card, this field displays the transaction date from either the posted expense report or the AP disbursement.
This field displays the description from either the posted expense report or AP disbursement.
This field displays the currency of the primary credit card.
This field displays the amount of the charge as defined by the expense report or AP disbursement posting. If you use multiple currencies in Vision, this amount is in the credit card currency.
Transaction Currency
If you use multiple currencies in Vision, this field displays the transaction currency as defined in the expense report or AP disbursement posting.
Transaction Amount
This field displays the amount in the transaction currency as defined at the time of the expense report or AP disbursement posting.
This displays the general ledger account from the expense report or AP disbursement.
For expense report items, this displays the employee number for the employee who entered the expense report and the expense report name. For AP disbursement items, this field displays the vendor, invoice number, and invoice date.
If Vision has been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents, click the icon in this field to open the Supporting Document dialog box and view the supporting documents for expense report charges, such as sales receipts, that have been uploaded when the charge was entered on an expense report.
This field displays one of the following icons:
— This icon with a green check mark indicates that one or more supporting document has been uploaded for the expense report charge. Click the icon to open the Supporting Document dialog box and view any supporting documents for the charge.
— This icon with a blue up arrow, indicates that either there are no supporting documents uploaded for the expense report charge or Vision has not been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents. When you click the icon, the Supporting Document dialog box opens and contains no supporting documents, or you receive a message informing you that Vision has not been configured for supporting documents. See your system administrator about configuring Vision for supporting documents.
This field displays only if you are importing charges from a credit card statement into Vision for a primary credit card. This field displays the status of an employee expense report that contains a charge made with a secondary credit card. Possible statuses are:
In Process,
Submitted, or
This field displays the project (work breakdown structure 1) for the charge.
This field displays the phase (work breakdown structure 2) for the charge.
This field displays the task (work breakdown structure 3) for the charge.