Client info to display
If you select
None, no additional client information is added to the report.
If you select an option other than
None, the effect of that option depends on your selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab.
If you sort and group by
Billing Client Number or
Billing Client Name, the options have the following results:
Number and Name — The report displays no additional client information.
Contact and Telephone — The report displays all contacts associated with each billing client.
Full Address — The report displays each billing client's billing address and all of the client's contacts.
If you sort and group by
Client Number or
Client Name, the options have the following results:
Number and Name — The report displays no additional client information.
Contact and Telephone — The report displays all contacts associated with each primary client.
Full Address — The report displays each primary client's billing address and all of the client's contacts.
If you sort and group by
Project Number or
Project Name, the options have the following results:
Number and Name — The report displays the each project's billing client number and name.
Contact and Telephone — The report displays each project's billing contact.
Full Address — The report displays the billing address for each project's billing client and the project's billing contact.
If you sort and group by
Billing Contact or
Primary Contact, the options have the following results:
- Number and Name — The report displays the billing client or primary client number and name that is associated with the billing contact or primary contact.
- Contact and Telephone — The report displays each project's billing contact or primary contact.
- Full Address — The address of the billing contact or primary contact.
For example, if you selected
Billing Client and then
Project Number in your sorting/grouping, the contact information for all project’s contacts will show with the Client. If you select
Billing Client,
Project Number, and then
Billing Contact, the contact information will display with each project.
Print Client Notes
Select this check box to include the text entered in the
Notes field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Vision displays the notes as the last line of the client information section. (This option is not available if you select
None in
Client info to display.)
Vision displays the complete text of the notes on the report. If you commonly want to include notes on this report, Deltek recommends that you try to limit the length of the notes you enter for clients. Otherwise, they can increase the size of the report significantly.
The notes in the report retain any text formatting that was applied when they were entered in the Client Info Center.
Print Invoice Detail
Select this check box to display the invoice number, date, and amount of the invoice for each transaction posted during the period.
Print Modification Detail
Select this check box to display the invoice number, the year and month, and the number of postings for the accounting period for which the report is generated.
Print Billed/ Received Totals
Select this check box if you want the project totals and final totals sections to include totals of billed, received, and retainage amounts.
This option only applies to the project level. If you sort and group the report by phase or task, the report does not display total billed, received, and retainage amounts for those.
Paid Invoices
Your firm has three options for retention of paid invoices (invoices with a zero balance) in the ledger:
- Keep the ledger information for the life of the job
- Keep the ledger information for the fiscal year
- Keep the ledger information for the current month
This decision determines how old the information in a ledger report can be and the accuracy of the final billed and received amounts. For more information, see your finance manager or system administrator.
Print Average Collection Period
Select this check box to include the average collection period at the end of the report. The average collection period is the average number of days between when you issue an invoice and when you receive payment in full. This value reflects only the paid invoices included in the report.
Print Retainer's Balance
Select this check box to display retainer balances.
This option is only available if
Enable Retainers is selected on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form.
Only include invoices posted through ____
Select this check box to restrict the report to invoices dated in or before a specified accounting period. Select that period in the field next to the check box label.
The report displays all receipts for the invoices, regardless of receipt date. For example, you generate the report for invoices posted as of 09/2013. If you received payments for those invoices in 10/2013 and 11/2013, the report displays those receipts also.
Use this option to get an accurate picture of your accounts receivable for invoices generated before a specific date.
Exclude if paid prior to ____
Select this check box to exclude invoices that were paid in full in or before a specified accounting period. Select the period in the field next to the check box label.
All Periods rather than an accounting period if you want to exclude all invoices marked as fully paid, regardless of the accounting period in which the payment occurred.
Interest Column
Select the user-defined column in which to display interest amounts. Select
No Interest if you do not want to include interest amounts on the report.
The headings for the user-defined columns are specified on the Ledger Headings tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form. The columns are mapped to invoice accounts and accounts receivable accounts on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab and the AR Mapping Accounts tab.
Report at
If you use the Multicurrency feature, select the type of currency in which you want Vision to display monetary amounts.