Validating Data

Before you import a table into Vision, Vision must validate its contents. During validation, Vision compares the project numbers, employee numbers, accounts, and other information in the table to the setup information previously entered into Vision.

Vision checks for the same errors when you import data that it checks for when you enter the record directly into Vision. Then Vision tells you what data you must change before you can import a row of data.

Vision imports only those rows that are free of errors.

When you load a file, Vision automatically validates it. You can re-validate a file at any time to see the results of changes you make.

Organization Reporting Rules

If your firm uses the Organization Reporting feature, certain rules apply to your transaction entries. These rules ensure that Vision knows the organization that is associated with each transaction. For example, you must enter an organization number as part of any transaction affecting an Income Statement account.

These same rules apply to files that you import through the Data Import utility.