Make a Partial Payment on a Voucher

You can pay a voucher in full or in part, in an automatic or manual payment processing run.

To make a partial payment on a voucher, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing.
  2. On the Select Posting Run dialog box, select an existing posting run or create a new one.
  3. On the Vendor Review tab of the AP Payment Processing form, select one or more vendors. Vision displays in the grid a list of all the vouchers and voucher payment data for the current vendor.
  4. Select the vouchers to pay.
  5. Click Partial Pay.
  6. In the Partial Pay field on the Partial Payments dialog box, enter the amount to pay for each line item on which to make a partial payment and then click OK.