This column displays the
project number.
Charge Type
This column displays one of the following charge types for the project:
R —
Regular projects are revenue-producing. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense. Vision retains the detail for a regular project for the life of the project.
H —
Overhead projects are not revenue-producing. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. Vision distributes the total cost of these projects to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects can include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, and Civic Duty. Vision resets job-to-date costs to zero for overhead projects when you initialize for a new fiscal year.
P —
Promotional projects track the cost to acquire a job. If you obtain the contract, you can create a new regular project and transfer the detail to it to be billed or tracked. A promotional project is similar to an overhead project. However, Vision does not zero out job-to-date costs at the start of each fiscal year for promotional projects.
Principal-in-Charge Name
This column displays the name of the principal-in-charge for the project, phase, or task.
Project Manager Name
This column displays the name of the project manager for the project, phase, or task.
Supervisor Name
This column displays the name of the supervisor for the project, phase, or task.
Available to CRM users
This column contains
Y or
N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project record is available for review by Vision Customer Relationship Management (CRM) users.
Available to Accounting users
This column contains
Y or
N (Yes or No) to indicate whether or not the project record is available for review by Vision Accounting users.
Approved for use in Processing
By default, a project record is approved for use in processing when a Vision Accounting user adds a new project record. It is disabled for all other users.
Project Address
These columns display the lines of the project mailing address.
Project Phone
This column displays the telephone number for the project location.
Project Fax
This column displays the fax number for the project location.
Client Name
This column displays the name of the client firm for which you are performing the work.
Client Address
For clients that use more than one address, this column displays an address description to indicate which address is associated with the project.
For example, this column might display one of the following:
<Default> — Default address from the Client Info Center
Corporate HQ — Address of the client's headquarters
London — Address for the client's office in London, UK
Organization Name
This column displays the name of the organization with which the project, phase, or task is associated.
Project Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Billing Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code
This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
If the
project is based on a promotional
project, this column displays the
project number for the promotional
This column displays the total monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses related to the project.
Fee Direct Labor
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the project.
Fee Direct Expense
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the project.
Fee Direct Consultant
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Reimbursable Allowance
This column displays the expected amount of billed reimbursable expenses related to the project.
Fee Reimbursable Expense
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the project.
Fee Reimbursable Consultant
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees related to the project. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
This column displays the status of the
project: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
Revenue Type
This column displays the revenue type.
The revenue type is a code to identify how Vision calculates revenue for the task, phase, or project. Vision provides six standard revenue types:
B — Job-to-date billing
M — (Job-to-date direct labor * Multiplier) + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
N — No revenue generation
P — Percent complete + Job-to-date reimbursable expenses @ cost rates
R — Job-to-date receipts
W — Job-to-date billing + Work-in-progress @ billing rates
Revenue Description
This column displays the description of the revenue source (for example, JTD Billings, JTD Billings + WIP @, or (Pct Comp*Fee) + JTD Reimb Exp).
Start Date
This column displays the start date of the project, phase, or task.
Project City
This column displays the project's city.
Project State
This column displays the project's state.
Project Zip Code
This column displays the project's ZIP code.
Row Count
This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Overall Pct. Comp.
This column displays the weighted average percent complete. Vision calculates this percentage as follows:
(All percents complete * Their respective budgets) / Total project budget
Labor Pct. Comp.
This column displays the estimated percent complete for labor.
Long Name
This column displays the
project's long name.
If the
Long Name field is blank in the
Project Info Center, this column displays the
project's short name.
Federal Project
This column displays
Y (Yes) or
N (No) to indicate whether or not the project is for the federal government.
Project Type
This column displays the type of project (for example, Educational, Commercial, Medical, or Federal).
This column displays the level of responsibility your firm has for the project (for example, Prime, Joint Venture, or Consultant).
This column displays
Y (Yes) or
N (No) to indicate whether or not the project can be used as a reference when you pursue other contracts.
Estimated Completion
This column displays the date on which the project is or was scheduled to be completed.
Actual Completion
For completed projects, this column displays the actual completion date.
Contract Date
This column displays the date on which your firm was awarded the contract.
Contract Number
This column displays the transaction's contract number.
Construction Completion Date
This column displays the date on which your firm completed all work.
Professional Services Completion Date
This column displays the date on which your firm completed all professional services.
Bid Date
This column displays the date on which your firm first bid on the project.
Firm Cost
This column displays the portion of the project cost for which your firm is responsible.
Firm Cost Comment
This column displays the comments entered for the firm cost.
Total Project Cost
This column displays the total cost of the project.
This field is also used in Item 8e of the SF255 form: "total construction cost of completed projected (or, where no construction was involved, the approximate cost of your work)."
Total Project Cost Comment
This column displays the comments entered for the total project cost (for example, "Fee only" or "Phase I").
If the project was created from an opportunity, this column displays the opportunity number.
Project Plan
If you use Vision Planning and the project is linked to a plan, this column displays the plan identifier.
Client Confidential
This column displays
Y (Yes) or
N (No) to indicate whether or not the client firm's name is confidential and is to be excluded from all proposals. If the client's name is confidential and you include the project in a proposal, Vision substitutes an alias for the client name.
Confidential Alias
This column displays the alternate name that Vision uses in proposals in place of the actual client name when the client requests that you keep the firm's name confidential.
Billing Client
This column displays the name of the client to be billed.
Billing Contact
This column displays the billing contact for the client.
Billing Address
This column displays the client's billing street address, city, state, and ZIP code. If the address is too long for the width of the column, it continues on additional lines within the column.
Client Billing Address
For clients that use more than one address, this column displays an address description to indicate which address is the billing address for the project.
For example, this column might display one of the following:
<Default> — Default address from the Client Info Center
Corporate HQ — Address of the client's headquarters
London — Address for the client's office in London, UK
If you want the report to display client billing addresses, select the
Billing Address column.
Create User
This column displays the user ID of the person who created the project record in the Project Info Center.
Create Date
This column displays the date on which the project record was created.
Contact Name
This column displays the name of the contact.
Client Email
This column displays the client's email address.
Client Fax
This column displays the client's fax number.
Client Phone
This column displays the client's phone number.
Contact Email
This column displays the contact's email address.
Contact Fax
This column displays the contact's fax number.
Contact Phone
This column displays the contact's phone number.
This column displays the WBS1, WBS2 or WBS3 short name.
This column displays the task number.
This column displays the task number.
Modify User
This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the project record.
Modify Date
This column displays the date on which the project record was most recently modified.
This column displays the notes entered in the
Memo field on the General tab of the Project Info Center.
Owner Number
This column displays the client number of the client designated as the owner of the project.
Owner Name
This column displays the name the client designated as the owner of the project.
Owner Address
This column displays the address description of the client designated as the owner of the project.
Owner Concatenated Address
This column displays the street address, city, state, and ZIP code of the client designated as the owner of the project. If the address is too long for the width of the column, it continues on additional lines within the column.
Contract Status
This column displays the contract's status: Negotiation, Pending, Sent for Signature, Approved & Signed, or Rejected. Your firm may have different contract statuses.
Request Date
This column displays the date entered into the Request Date for the contract.
Approved Date
This column displays the date entered into the Approved Date for the contract.
This column displays the accounting period entered into the Period for the contract.
Contract Type
This column displays the contract type for the selected contracts.
Contract Compensation
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses related to the contract.
Contract Direct Labor
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the contract.
Contract Direct Expense
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the contract.
Contract Direct Consultant
This column displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees related to the contract.
Contract Reimbursable Allowance
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract.
Contract Reimbursable Allowance Expense
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the contract.
Contract Reimbursable Allowance Consultant
This column displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.
Contract Total
This column displays the sum of Contract Compensation, Contract Direct Consultant, and Contract Reimbursable Allowance amounts for the contract.
Custom Contract Compensation 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor and direct expenses related to the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.
Custom Contract Direct Labor 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct labor related to the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.
Custom Contract Direct Expense 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct expenses related to the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.
Custom Contract Direct Consultant 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the monetary amount you expect to receive for direct consultant fees related to the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.
Custom Contract Reimbursable Allowance 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.
Custom Contract Reimbursable Expense 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the expected amount of reimbursable expenses related to the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.
Custom Contract Reimbursable Consultant 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the expected amount of reimbursable consultant fees related to the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.
Custom Contract Total 01 – 13
Each of these columns displays the sum of contract compensation, contract direct consultant, and contract reimbursable allowance amounts for the contract for the range of periods you specify for the column. Select the starting and ending periods of the range in
Period Start and
Period End next to the column name on the Columns tab.