View Summary Totals for Transactions

You can view summary totals for the hours and cost amounts on the Labor tab of the Interactive Billing form.

To view summary totals for billing transactions, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. On the Interactive Billing form, open the appropriate project.  
  3. Click the Labor tab. Vision displays all outstanding labor transactions for this project, phase, or task.
  4. Click Summary. The Billing Labor Summary dialog box displays the hours, cost amount, and billing extension, by status.

    If you click Summary on the grid toolbar, Vision displays a summary of all of the detail shown on the tab, including all phases and tasks in the grid.

    Totals for Hours and Billing Extension also display at the bottom of the Labor grid. Your ability to see labor cost rates and amounts depends on the setting for the Labor Cost Rates/Amounts option on the Accounting Tab of Role Security in Configuration.

  5. Click Close.