Add a Global Revision Explanation

Use global revision explanations to control the reasons that are entered for employee timesheet revisions. When a user changes a timesheet and is prompted to enter an explanation, the user selects from the list of revision reasons that you set up.

The revision reasons display on the Timesheet Audit report, and are available to all Timesheet users in the active company.

To add a global revision explanation, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet.
  2. Click the Timesheet Audit tab on the Company Timesheet Configuration form.
  3. On the toolbar of the Global Revision Explanations grid, click Insert.
  4. On the Text Editor dialog box, enter a reason and save. The reason is added to a new grid row and is available for selection.
  5. Click Save.